Yama — Being Open Minded

February 5, 2020

Notes by Ambika Mishra


Vivekji started the class with a riddle- What reflects like a mirror, flows like water and responds like an echo? The answer is a river. A river is strong and determined and flows even though it may have a winding path. It is a perfect example of Vrata — being determined.

This week’s value is Yama — Being open (minded) or having an open mind.

Vivekji told us a ton of riddles to make us aware of how open minded we are.

The riddles were –

1) What body part weighs 3 lbs?

Answer- Our brain.

2) What takes 75% of water in your body?

Answer- Our brain.

3) What has 100,000 miles of blood vessels?

Answer- Our brain.

4)What has a 100 billion lines of code?

Answer- Our brain. For comparison, google has only 2 billion lines of code.

The Little Prince:

The Little Prince was frustrated by the Rose. Being closed mined, he just left the situation instead of thinking of a different solution. Before leaving, he was feeling sad that he will not be doing all the things he was doing on his planet again. Even though he was not enjoying it while he was doing it, now he would be missing it. This is why we should not take things for granted. When he was about to leave, the Rose said- I should have told you more that I loved you. This is why we should express our feelings. If the Rose had said that she loved the Little Prince, then maybe he would not frustrated with her.


Yoga means quietening the mind. How do we quieten our minds when something is bothering our minds, like- if you are hungry or if you had a fight with your sibling. Some of the ways are-

1- Try to be open minded. When you are open minded you will not compare or complain because you’d be willing to try new things and will be flexible.

2- Try not to take things for granted.

3- Express your feeling more (in a good way). Even a little kindness can go a long way!


Our practice was more riddles!

Riddle: What questions can you never answer yes to?

Answer: Are you sleeping?

Riddle: I have keys but no locks, I have space but no room, you can enter but not exit. What am I?

Answer: A computer keyboard.

Riddle: The more you take of me, the more you leave behind.

Answer: Footsteps.

Riddle: The person who makes this does not need this. The person who buys this does not use this. The who uses this does not know it.

Answer: A Coffin.

Riddle: I have holes but I can hold water.

Answer: A sponge.

The reason for this practice was to explore being open minded. Because most people are closed minded with a set way of thinking, it is hard to think of the right answer.


Notes by Keshav Ganesh

What flows like water, reflects like a mirror, and responds like an echo.

Answer; A river

Vivek ji asked some questions.

What part of your body weighs three pounds?

Answer ; brain

What part of your body is made up of 70 % water?

Answer; brain

What part of your body takes up 20 %of the air you breathe?

Answer; brain

What part of your body has two billion lines of code? Answer; brain.

Value of the week

Yama — Having an open mind.

Little prince

The little prince is bothered by all the things he has to do on his planet, so he decides to leave. But when he is about to leave, he feels sad because of all the things he did there.


Riddle — What question can you never answer yes to?

Answer — Are you sleeping

Riddle — The person who makes it, does not need it, the person who buys it, does not use it. The person using it, does not know it.

Answer — Coffin

Riddle — I have keys, but no lock, I have space but no room, I have an enter, but no exit. What am I?

Answer — A keyboard.

Riddle — The more you take, the more you leave.

Answer — Footprints


Study for the test next week.

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