Week 9: Dedication Leads to Sacrifice


Notes by Vikram Ranganath

  • Krishna asks Arjuna how to overcome the feeling of knowing right action but it brings sorrow, how to overcome?
  • When I am so confused or overwhelmed, how to use mental energy efficiently?
  • One central idea: how to let go of what my mind wants to do right now, instead do the thing that I know I should be doing.
  • Prince Arjuna asked: What is sacrifice? (How does a person who is constantly acting in the right way, what do they look like?)
  • Lord Krishna responds: Such a person is able to let go of desires for immediate pleasure – crucial ability for all to pursue their goals.
  • Let go immediate joy, delay the expectation to a later point (Delayed Gratification)
    • Ex: Marshmallow experiment: put a marshmallow in front of a child, if a child can wait to eat one marshmallow, they will get a greater return of marshmallows.
  • Delayed gratification: fundamental ability to all successful endeavors, our ability to work and plan towards the long term.
  • When we condition our minds to be constantly engaged, we are not training our minds to delay instant gratification
    • Mind so focused on how to get what it wants for the short term.
  • Famous story: Abraham
    • Abraham was a faithful servant of God, 
    • One day God tells him, Abraham has to climb to the top of his mountain and sacrifice his first born son.
    • God says it is OK do not kill him, at the top of the mountain, I just wanted to see that you were willing to do this sacrifice for something greater.
    • Encoded idea that:
      • There is a future: in order for greater joy in the future (good life), Abraham has to do something now (sacrifice son).
      • Abraham is acting out a universal truth that in order to find any success, you MUST sacrifice in the present.
      • In Hindu philosophy: “yagnya”.
  • Question is, how to let go of these desires, sacrifice these desires?
    • Dedication comes first, then sacrifice.
    • WHen thinking of sacrifice, during pooja, we sacrifice to an altar.
      • EXACT same framework is true in our actions: sacrificing everything we can use our time for, to an altar (often of pleasure)
        • Ex: Should wake up, but wants to sleep, sacrifices to pleasure
    • What we are really worshiping in our minds, is pleasure, the immediate feeling.
  • First thing to break out of this: have clarity, KNOW which altar, ideal, we are sacrificing towards.
    • A motivation that would inspire us could help keep going, go for the long term goals.
      • Ex: history paper: doing it for the SAKE of discipline, being a disciplined person.
  • Next step: Somehow getting ourselves to let go of all bad tendencies and habits.
    • Good way is to take more responsibilities, be in charge of more stuff, do more things for all.
    • Introduction of new things will motivate us to become more efficient.
  • Last step: No need for anything else to be happy, be here and now.
    • No need for XYZ to be happy or feel better, think that you need absolutely nothing.
    • So much more satisfaction when we are able to face the pain that we fear head-on.
    • We say to the pain that it does not have the power to control us.
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