Week 7: Purity of Mind

Notes by Mahathi Yathiraju 

Last week review: The 3 Ps:

  • Possess less (want for less– example: gratitude journal)
  • Plan more (be prepared– example: use a planner to plan out your day)
  • Perform right action (example–associate with the wise)

Independent Activity:

Phrase: Purity of the mind 

  • Come up with 3 points as to what this phrase means to you 

Class Ideas:

  • Consciously being aware of your thoughts and being able to control them, such as negative and positive thoughts, which thoughts you will choose to let fester (which wolf will you feed?) 
  • Having pure and good intentions 
  • Isolating the mind and cleaning the mind to focus better, creating space to think better (house cleaning!) 
  • Clearing your mind of unnecessary thoughts and overloaded thoughts
The 3 aspects of Purity of Mind: Integrated, Available & Directed Mind

Purity of mind is a gauge of the availability of the mind to use a tool. To use that tool most effectively, we must have an integrated mind where your thoughts and actions are in alignment. Have the mind directed to a selfless purpose. 

  1. Integrated mind
  • Thoughts, feelings, and actions are all aligned 
  • What we say, what we do, and what we think are all in sync 
  • It seems easy to do, but it is quite challenging –One main reason is because of our likes and dislikes (how we feel about a particular situation) 
  • Bad habits are easy to develop; you don’t need to learn them or put effort into them
  • On the other hand, good habits take effort and require dedication 
  • It’s the small bad habits that we form, that make small cuts in our personality, and all those small cuts add up 

      2. Available mind 

  • Your mind should always be available to you
  • You are not the mind, you are in possession of a mind
  • The mind is a tool just like the body 
  • Example: a pencil will not resist your touch. It is your tool to engage in writing with. It is your pencil and so it is always available for you to use. 
  • A way to gauge the availability of the mind is through 3 Rs: How much are you RECEIVING? How much of that are you RETAINING? How much of what you learned are you RECOLLECTING?

      3. Directed Mind 

  • To develop directing the mind
  • Example: use a planner to plan your days 
  • Plan long term 
  • In your journal, make a section with 2 parts: one is a 5 year plan, and the second is a 10 year plan 
  • As this vision and plan develops, your clarity will develop and your mind will become more efficient and directed

Last week’s RAW:

Wear the same clothes to school for 2 days in a row

Class thoughts on the RAW:

  • Was scared about what people would think and say
  • Was nervous 
  • Didn’t know how I would respond to any questions I would be asked 
  • Was surprised by the outcome! When I told my friends about Power Hour, they thought it was pretty cool!

This week’s RAW

Wear a rubber band on your wrist; whenever you feel yourself lose focus, pull the band back and let it snap onto your wrist.

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