Week 29: Understanding Stress – Pt 1

By: Mahathi Yathiraju

RAW from last week:

  • Every time you pick up your phone / go on social media, ask your self… WHY?
  1. Bored. Wanting a break from what we’re doing, for example doing homework, wanting escape
  2. Going on your phone and then regretting it, feeling like you could have saved that time and finished 
  3. Hoping that there is a notification and that someone is thinking of you… when there isn’t you feel worse and you dig through your phone more and then feel worse
  4. Comparative to snacking! Just keep on going and going even if it doesn’t taste good. 
  5. Also comparing to watching shows on Netflix and other streaming services- if you’re not satisfied with the episode you just watched, just letting the next one to come on

Question: what are you living for?

  • Living for material things rather than wholistic things 
  • Contemplating over what role happiness plays in the meaning of our life
  • Living for values makes you feel more inspired
  • Realizing that you are living for results, and when the results don’t show, you feel shaken and your ego gets hurt 

Let’s talk about STRESS!

  • What causes you stress?
  1. Embarrassing situations in front of people
  2. Long assignments
  3. Tests
  4. Bad marks
  5. Procrastination
  6. Being a disappointment to those I care about
  7. Not being able to be up to standards / meet expectations 
  8. Something triggers a fear thought
  9. Not knowing what the outcome will be, even if I give something my all
  10. Mind dominating and acting out of control
  • What is stress?
  1. Pressure
  2. Stress is the internal thought you have when you face situations in life 
  3. Can be defined as either a fear thought or its physiological symptoms throughout the body
  4. When you do bad on a test
  5. Causes flight or fight response
  6. An instinctive feeling that can be beneficial in moderation (can make u work harder) but if it’s too much it can affect you negatively

Like any disease, if I started telling you I’m experiencing symptoms (eg runny nose, cough, eyes are running) what do you think might be happening?

These constellations of symptoms lead us to the cause of that disease!

So for stress… what is the cause?

  • Mind dominating
  • Out of Emotion 
  • Mind has Fear
  • Lack of understanding on what’s important
  • Lack of acceptance
  • Conflicting Equipments (mind, body, and intellect are not all on the same page)

When there is scarcity, there has to be stress. It is all a thought. What is anger? A THOUGHT! What is jealousy, fear, desire? THOUGHTS! All of these are thoughts alone.

What are some dominant triggers that trigger these thoughts?

  • People
  • Time
  • Circumstances 

The three dominant triggers are:

  1. People
  2. Time
  3. Resources


Do not look at your reflection in the bathroom / mirror!

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