Week 29: Special Teacher Sumanji


What does stress feel like?

  • butterflies
  • feeling bad
  • overwhelming feeling of dis-ease
  • sleep issues
  • heart racing

The above are actually all symptoms of stress (a disease) so let’s find cure

  • the breakdown of stress happens are 3 levels
    • physical level: body failures
    • mental level: mind becomes weaker (i.e. second guessing oneself)
    • intellectual level: issues around decision making
  • Symptoms of stress happen at all 3 levels
  • So what is stress?
    • Series of all thoughts
    • Thought is just how we relate to an experience
  • Economy: supply + demand
    • supply>>demand, less stress
    • supply=demand, no stress
    • supply<<demand, more stress
  • What are we trying to balance when it comes to stress?
    • time
    • resources
    • people
  • Time- everyone has the same amount of time each day– but how we spend our time is on us in terms of efficiency and effectiveness (efficiency= supply, effectiveness=demand)
    • We can quicken our routines- don’t delay waking up to our alarm clocks, saying no to the transactional
  • Activity: Quantifying all the activities we engage in over the period of a week and assign hours/week. Take that number and subtract from 168 hours (# of hours in a week)
  • RAW: Take 15 mins to read/write/reflect each day.
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