Week 29: Sacrifice

Notes by Saadhvi Mamidi

Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra

  • Great mantra that brings victory over death
  • For us to relate – this is the death of ignorance
  • We chant this to support all those suffering around the world

Review of Last Class

  • Quality of the wise – discipline
    • Transcending our likes and dislikes
  • Mental discipline is an attempt to rise above our current self, constant reflection and improving yourself
  • Mental discipline is also being steadfast with our duties
    • When our responsibilities are clear, there is no FOMO

Sacrifice – Another Quality of the Wise

  • Sacrifice is minimizing our wants – only want what you need
  • We should sacrifice our ignorance and wrong relationships with objects
    • Happiness lies inside of us!
    • We must transcend our likes and dislikes and let go of ego
  • The wrong way of sacrificing – renouncing our higher values for our lower nature (devolution)
  • The right way of sacrificing – renouncing our lower nature for higher values (evolution)
  • Growing up is a function of reflection, not age! 

Activity – Identify a goal that resonates particularly and lay out an in-depth plan. Use one word and tagline to represent your goal. Both of these things will constantly remind you of your purpose!

  • My word: Influential; My tagline: “Better yourself to help others”
  • Purpose is the catalyst for evolution → for those that remember and identify with their purpose, they feel a sense of independence, contentment, and fearlessness 
  • Constantly remind yourself of your tagline/word! Write it on paper and put it on your wall, make it your lock screen, paint it on your wall, etc.

RAW: Each morning, immerse yourself in very cold water for at least 15 seconds (at the end of your shower!)

Notes by Arnav Chugh

Reflections/Summary/Key points from the previous class:

Another quality of the wise: discipline

It’s at Two levels

  • Sense levels
  • Mental levels
    • Attempt to rise above our current state: reflect, reconcile, improve
      • Discipline means continual reflection on oneself (objective assessment)
    • Being steadfast at the performance of our abilities
      • Opportunity to transcend our likes and dislikes
      • Purpose we have clearly reflected on


Quality of the wise: sacrifice

  • We using sacrifice in the place of Renunciation
  • Sacrifice means giving up undesirable thoughts and actions that stand in the way of our best self
  • Minimize your wants to want what you need
  • It’s more than the physical things we can give up; it includes mental wants
    • Sacrifice our ignorance with objects, people , etc

Note: All these qualities lead to the same place (you just pick one)

  • We have to let go of our ego
  • We sacrifice the greater usually (that piece of cake for our health)
    • This is not sacrifice its devolution
  • It’s supposed to be the other way around
    • Sacrifice smaller things for larger things
    • I sacrifice my gaming time so I can study for my test

Growing up is not a function of time but a function of reflection

  • How much you reflect
  • And how much you sacrifice you lower tendencies for higher goals
    • It’s an anxious process but you gotta do it
    • Letting go of things helps us grow
    • You shouldn’t be scared

RAW: Every time you shower, immerse yourself in the coldest water for at least 15 seconds… at the END of your shower.

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