Week 27: Vivek & Vairagya with Shankarji

  • Sadhana Chatushtaya: Qualifications one needs to pursue happiness (there are 9 of them)
  1. Viveka (Prioritization)
  • In order to prioritize we must understand what is important
  • We should think about what is more conducive towards long term growth over short term growth
  • When we don’t prioritize, we later wish we had done things differently, leading to regret. If we prioritize, we can reduce the feeling of regret
Q1: Activities which are urgent and importantQ2: Activities not urgent but important
Q4: Activities which are neither urgent nor important Q3: Activities which seem urgent but are not important 
  • Q1: These are typically crises 
  • Q2: If we focus on Q2 then we can naturally reduce that which is in Q1(crises)
  • Q4: Do these activities with intention (i.e. if you need rest time then schedule that in)
    • When you allocate time to something it’s more fulfilling and no longer a form of escape
  1. Vairagya (Cheerful Acceptance)
  • Acceptance of something whether it is a good or bad outcome that comes into our life
  • Find the silver lining (if possible)
  • Remember that no matter how bad the situation is, this too shall pass
  • There’s a universal positive in every negative- there is always some way we can grow
  • The most important step someone can take is the next step to keep moving forward
  • We feel the most enjoyment when we see ourselves improving 
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