Week 23: Ch. 3 Review – Pt 2

Notes by Pari Saluja


  • Worldview – law of karma
  • Truth – your essential nature is happiness
  • Means – science of right action
  • Mechanism – our responsibilities
  • Mindset – acting to evolve
  • Map – guides us from who we think we are to who we really are
Class 13: game day!
Class 14: we had class with Shankarji (talked about Gurudev’s freedom quote)
Class 15: Crystallize how we live what we learn
  • Beginning with people who live by these principles now
  • Monkey see, monkey do (we follow examples/actions over words)
  • Why do we do anything? 
    • We want to gain something
    • We don’t want to lose something
    • We are simply attached to the action or the results
  • Is there anyone with attachment? Yes, we live for fulfillment while they act out of fulfillment (result of an inspired life)
  • Leadership can even be shown in small moments like acting in contradiction to what we may be feeling right now (ex. finishing hw even though you want to sleep)
  • Leaders lead by example (not only by words), have a clear goal/purpose, inspire themselves and others (whose goals may not be as clear), have nothing to gain/nothing to lose – they simply act out of fulfillment, treat everyone equally and finally, empower us to be our best selves.
Class 16: Attachment in action
  • Leaders aren’t attach to results
  • Even after goal is achieved, leaders still continue working 
  • Ladder of Fall – attachment is the result of constant thinking (a desire is born)
  • When a desire is born, it fragments the mind
  • An entire experience gets fragmented (ex. constantly checking time in class)
  • As the desire is entertained, it strengthens
  • When we fulfill a desire, agitation ceases for a moment but then comes back stronger than ever 
  • When desires are many, they can spiral into anger, frustration, fear, sadness, anxiety etc.
  • When we are overcome with such feelings, our ability to think goes out the window (our intellect is “gone”)
    • When safety is in question, we desire security, which is why you get scared and rational thinking goes away (ex. thinking belt is a snake)
  • Attachment stops us from realizing our potential
Class 17: Values of the valued
  • We want their values and virtues (particularly satyam, brahmacharya, ahimsa)
  • Satyam (honesty, truth)
    • To accomplish any greatness requires the development of a strong will and the ability to live up to it. We appreciate people that live up to their word and they become so much more dependable. 
  • How to build integrity: it’s as simple as setting an alarm and when it goes off, actually wake up. It stops the micro-fractures in our personality. Fear, worry, anxiety only happens when you can’t depend on the person closest to you – yourself
  • Brahmacharya (discipline) 
    • When a desire arises, practice discipline. Overindulgence tires us (ex. when you stuff yourself after a big dinner, you don’t go exercise right away; you change into sweatpants and take a nap).
  • How to build integrity: build self control – make a list of what you will and won’t do (ex. I will give up watching Netflix today, I will read 10 mins in the morning today)
  • Ahimsa (non-violence)
    • When you aren’t living honestly or with self control, we are the first person that gets hurt
  • If you say you’re going to do something and you actually follow through with it, you stay in harmony within yourself.
Class 18: Dexterity in action
  • Dexterity is not just acting but acting efficiently and effectively
  • With the right vision, we can generate dexterity in every action
  • Focus on your attitude while engaged – were you inspired? When our vision is inspired, our energy grows.
  • Being present helps you conserve and channel energy (your mental resource)
  • “Keep your mind where your hands are working” -Gurudev
  • Our mind is always in the past/future rather than the present which exhausts our energy
    • If your past regrets and mistakes aren’t helping you in the present, let them go. Similarly, if your anxieties and worries for the future aren’t helping you in the present, let them go.
Class 19: Bring the focus back to us
  • Our nature: What makes you you? Why do you do what you do?
  • We explored how we are all intellectually capable: our likes and dislikes determine our state of mind & expressions of our habits and dictate our form
  • The habits we have are the habits we’ve built for ourselves
  • We can rise above our likes and dislikes and develop ourselves through responsibilities
    • Responsibilities make us more steady and firm, our mind becomes more quiet and calm
  • Value: something we admire intellectually, occasionally “subscribe to”
  • Virtue: something we live and embody (“I am discipline” instead of “I practice discipline”)
Class 20: I know what to do, but?
  • Why do we act a certain way when we know better?
  • We know what to do but act in contradiction (Why do we do the wrong thing?)
  • We talked about Papa and Punya
    • Papa is anything that agitates the mind, brings out the negative qualities, and disintegrates personality
    • Punya is anything that purifies it, quietens it, and integrates personality
  • Important note: it’s not all black and white
  • Glorification of our negative qualities – we have all glorified our procrastination at one point (ex. not studying for a test but still doing well)
  • Next time before you act think critically: is this leading to long term happiness and peace or taking away from it?

Activity: (same as last week) Write down whatever you have been struggling with the most in the past month, 6 months, your whole life. Not just a word, why is it your struggle? what are you holding on to? Can you let it go? Be as real and detailed as possible. Email to Sumanji: namustepujar@gmail.com 

RAW: Each morning, write down one virtue that you would like to develop. Try to keep that ideal in your mind at all times throughout the day.

Notes by Dwija Ramesh

March 17, 2021

Recap: We went through 10 classes

  1. We have been given 
    1. the Karmic fundamentals
    2. Truth – Your essential truth is happiness
    3. Means – the science of right action
    4. Mechanism – our responsibilities
    5. Mindset – acting to evolve
    6. Map – to guide us from who we think we are to who we really are

In class 15, we began to crystallize how we should live the principles we are learning. To do this, we often look to those who are wise – those who embody these virtues. The reason we do anything is that we want to gain, lose, or are attached to something. But who are these GOATs (Greatest of all times)? 

  1. Those who live inspired lives – those who are examples of inspired souls – act out of fulfillment, not for fulfillment

For us to go from where we are to where they are, we must think independently and act in contradiction to the desires we may be feeling. 

  1. Qualities of leaders:
    1. Leading by example
    2. They follow the path of – nothing to gain, nothing to lose
    3. Treat all as equal
    4. Help us realize our potential

In class 16, we talked about attachment. No leader is attached to the results, it is not just about the goal. When we constantly think about something, positively or negatively, we are attached to that constant thought. Once that desire is born, your mind is fragmented, it is distracted. Once you entertain that desire, more pop up, and eventually, your mind becomes restless and you become agitated. This leads to an array of other negative emotions, making us devolve as our intellect – the ability to think rationally – goes away. 

In class number 17, we analyzed the values of the valued. What makes them awesomesauce?

  1. Satyam
    1. To accomplish anything in life, you need a strong will and the ability to live up to your convictions.
    2. How do you build this integrity?
      1. When your alarm rings, WAKE UP
  2. Brahmacharya
    1. Discipline – when a desire arises, you are disciplined, otherwise, you waste away
    2. How do you develop discipline?
      1. Self-control – bit by bit
      2. The small little goals give you more faith to pull through on each additional one
      3. Make a list of things you will do and not do
  3. Ahimsa
    1. Non-harming
    2. By compromising on what you believe in, you hurt no one but yourself

You have to be cheerful in your responsibilities – we are not inspired by those who are miserable. Your attitude is what matters most – were you inspired, were you present?

This is how you generate, conserve, and channel your energy where it can impact all in the best way.

If your past mistakes or your anxieties of the future are not helping you in the present, LET THEM GO. This is the only way you can be dexterous in action.

Class 19 was about us. We know what to do, BUT, we do what we want anyway. We are all intellectually capable, but it isn’t always reflected in our actions. This is because of our likes and dislikes, our habits and vasanas from lifetimes before. Whatever positive and negative that we have exists because we have built it for ourselves. By rising above these likes and dislikes and engaging in our responsibilities, we can develop the intellect and mind to be more stable and rational. This is the movement from values – what we practice – and virtues – what we embody in all ways. 

In class 20, we realized that we act in contradiction to what we know is right. Both Duryodhana and Arjuna both asked Lord Krishna. Arjuna acted on it, but Duryodhana didn’t. We talked about papa and punya- seeing how our different choices impact the purity of our minds. We have all glorified our negative qualities, which makes us devolve further as it disintegrates our personality. This attack at our critical thinking takes us away from what differentiates us from animals. We must use Satsang and scriptures to guide our thinking into the track of punya, working on our negative tendencies and breaking out of our circle of agitation and vasanas. 

Last week’s RAW: Reflect on one person who believes in you the most and tell them!

This week’s RAW is: Each morning, write down one virtue you want to develop and keep it in your mind all day.

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