Week 19: Akrodha

What are some of the triggers of anger?

Three levels:
  1. Surface-level: a healthy body supports a healthy lifestyle. 
  2. Deeper: hurt– when our egos become hurt as a result of expectation
  3. Deepest: attachment– the main cause of anger
  • Attachment leads to expectation which leads to insistance on our wishes being fulfilled
  • The difference between a like and a preference is the insistence that it has to be the way we want
  • Understanding that there’s more of a chance of us being disappointed than being satisfied (this is simple supply-demand, really)
  • Not possible to not have expectations but we must be free of desire to have these expectations fulfilled
  • Constant anger will take its toll- constant expenditure of energy from the body being in ‘fight-or-flight’ mode

How to Rise Above Anger:

  1. Be aware of the anger itself. If you are not aware of a problem, how can you fix it? Remember: temper takes you to trouble, pride keeps you there
  2. Be aware of the cause. Awareness of the cause to intervene. Do a cost-benefit analysis. What will be gained and what will be lost as a result of the anger? No one wants to be around sorrow

Remember: the two most precious things are- health and peace of mind- are you willing to give those away?

  1. Be aware of the effect. Effects of anger will be with you forever.

Remember: when you sense being angry, invoke the Knowledge and your anger with abate 


Walk through an experience where you have been angry and share using the framework that was presented.


Count how many people you talk to face-to-face and observe how you interact with different people.

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