Week 16: Viveka

by Dwija Ramesh


Today’s topic: Viveka

What is Viveka? 

It means to distinguish one thing from another. In Vedanta, reality has three distinctions.

  1. An illusion
    1. When it’s dark out but you can only see a little bit. You look at something and it looks like a snake. But once you turn the light on, it is a rope
  2. Transactional reality
    1. We consider this to be “real”
    2. There is a consistency in this reality
  3. Absolute reality
    1. The true reality 
    2. The other two cannot exist without this one

In the path towards self-realization, you have to differentiate from the transactional realm and the absolute reality. 

This is a lot….where do we start?

First, let’s start with the transactional reality. We are acting for happiness. 

  1. Step 1: Separate
    1. Separate yourself from the perceiver and feeler of objects and emotions
  2. Step 2: Analyze
    1. What is in the best interest of me and those around me/community
  3.  Step 3: Prioritize
    1. What should I do right now? Let’s do it

Example: If you have a stress thought, you will be stressed but if you don’t, then you don’t feel stressed. If you think of stress in a subjective way, there are really only three triggers – time, resources, and people. Once you rationally realize that none of these can be changed and it is in your power to use Viveka to live better.


We played Lost At Sea. We had to work together on prioritizing what items are more important for survival than others. 


Last week’s RAW was: Every waking hour, write the word virtue

Only what you remember can you act on. Only what you dwell on will you internalize.

This week’s RAW is: Each morning, look in the mirror for 5 minutes and think about the purpose of the reflection you see.

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