Week 16: “Art of Life” Documentary

Notes by: Vikram Ranganath


  • The central idea is that our own nature is joy!
    • Last week: our own nature, is existence.
    • How to define something as real: that which is the same in all three periods of time.
      • That which is changeless, is real.
    • Only thing that is truly changeless, is the principle of existence.
  • How does existence make a difference to me, how does it affect my own life?
    • Person in the documentary shows the person that this knowledge of existence can shape us into.
  • Documentary:
    • Insightful information:
    • Everything that we do is oriented to essentially grasping and using it.
      • Those things that stand out to us stand out because we perceive that we can use them for a certain purpose.
      • We do not see bening objects in the world, we see manipulatable objects that we think we can use for our own benefit.
      • The habit of constantly using things for our purposes, we only get joy from exploiting things around us.
    • Whenever we perceive things, they are essentially filtered through a story that we are telling ourselves.
      • Our mind will perceive small things in a different way, a way that we find different, more of a reflection of ourselves in the world around us.
    • Even our senses of perception can change depending on how we are conceiving the world around us.
      • Ahimsa allows us to feel one, such that there is closeness and connection with others.
    • We can boil the whole universe down to all of its existence.
      • Ex: when you get down to the smallest level of quantum mechanics, molecules eventually become indistinguishable, and one cannot predict where the molecules are, but only where they will be.
    • Documentary demonstrated how when we are able to see there is something the same within everyone around and everything around us, we find immense beauty and more importantly immense JOY! 
  • Next week: the third realm of being is “Consciousness”.
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