Week 15: What is Reality?

Notes by: Niket Choudavarapu


How do we strive to be a good seeker? Independence– Happiness becomes unshakable– we are happy no matter what

How do we know Happiness is our Nature? We are always trying to move towards it

Some logic:

  • God is infinite in nature
  • If God is infinite all of creation must be infinite also
  • If creation is inifinite and I am part of creation, I must be infinite also
  • Infinite is completely full- lacking nothing
  • Thus when we lack nothing, we are joyful

Our Nature is that of Joy. Happiness is within me– don’t need anything external.

Ideal seeker is remembers this

How do we know something is real? Because there’s an underlying belief that our senses perceive it, it must be real

So then what’s the distinguishing factor between a dream and reality? When we are dreaming, generally, we don’t know we are dreaming. Dreams don’t seem to continue. In reality, we remember events and there is continuity.

Our sense of reality thus rsts in the notion of continuity.

Reality is objective yet our sense of reality is dependent on memory and memory is subjective.

How should we define what is Real? (Sat) We only experience this world in the mind. Only that which is Changeless is Real…and everything around us is constantly changing.

That which is real should exist the same in all 3 periods of time

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