Week 14: Looking Back

Notes by Dwija

January 10th, 2022


Class 1: Why do things come with manuals? So that we know how to use the material and if something goes wrong, we can figure out how to fix it so it can accomplish its purpose most effectively and efficiently. So do we have a manual for ourselves so that we can attain our purpose(to be independently joyous)? Why yes we do! It is the Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads, Vedas; all our scriptures. Karma Yoga, Dharma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, and Jnana Yoga are the steps we can take to become more wise and independently joyous.

Class 2: Our second class was on Dharma. Dharma is to integrate the essential nature of a thing. Dharma at the individual level – our body (food), mind (loving thoughts) and intellect (knowledge). When our individual Dharma integrates with the collective Dharma, the Universe conspires to make that happen. If you want to know if something is Dharmic ask if it integrates yourself and if it is for the collective good.

Class 3: Debate on Happiness

Class 4: Happiness is our nature. All of our actions are either to pursue joy (sukha prapti) or escape pain (dukha nivritti). However, even by making everything comfy for ourselves, we are still not happy. So if it’s not around us, where is Happiness? Happiness has to be within us. The same objects and experiences make different people happy and others sorrowful. Therefore, Happiness is in our mind. – Priya(desire comes up and persists) – Modh a(joy in anticipation of it coming) – Pramodha (moment of ecstasy when you get it) — This is all fleeting joy if it is outside of us)

Class 5: Value of values — School gives us the standard of living, but not standard of life. While we have external transformation, our scriptures give us the inner transformation to be balanced and content. That which integrates Dharmic living is living a life of values which is how you harness your mind to concentrate.

Class 6: Fearlessness – Attachment is what causes us to have fears. When we do what we should be doing, we are fearless. The way to be fearless is to reduce your possessions because that is the less you have to protect. “Plan out your work and work out your plan.”

Class 7: Manashodhanam (purity of mind) – your words/thoughts/actions should all be aligned. The reason that they are not integrated is because of our likes and dislikes. This integration makes our brain more available for us to use. By minimizing device use while working, we will be able to unitask. When we have a higher purpose, our mind will automatically align. By reflecting, we will find the purpose that resonates with us, our mind will be integrated and available and thus, quiet. To do this, plan long-term so that we keep our purpose on our mind.

This week’s RAW is: Think about what we have learnt so far and identify what resonated with you the most and why?

Notes by Mahathi

Refresher of the FIRST CLASS

– On our first class discussed manuals and the use of manuals

– Manuals are used for instructions on how to use a new product

– Everything comes with a manual

– But what we don’t typically think about is the manual for ourselves

– The manual for our life

– We are the instrument, and have a purpose; we can be tuned to reach that purpose

– That purpose is to be independently HAPPY!

– This manual for us are the scriptures

Karma Yoga: Union through action

Bhakti Yoga: Union through love and devotion

Jnana Yoga: Union through knowledge

Refresher of the SECOND CLASS

– We saw that Dharma means 3 things

– The root of Dharma means to integrate

– At the body level: that which integrates and nourishes the body is food from the earth

– At the mental level: that which integrates our positive loving thoughts is dharmic

– At the intellectual level: that which integrates the intellect is knowledge


– debate on whether happiness was truly our nature

The 2 things that motivate your actions are:

1) the pursuit of joy: SUKHA PRAPTI

2) the escaping of pain: DUHKHA NIVRTTI

When your happiness is dependent on an object, we feel the absence of the object, we feel incomplete without it- but joining with the object does not make us happy, it’s just that the agitation ceases.

Happiness is NOT a quiet mind. When the mind is quiet, what is is always experienced.


– the difference between ordinary and extraordinary people–you become who you are by living what you learn

– e.x if you know the stove is going to burn you, then stop touching it!

– the values of virtues: as we live them, we become extraordinary

– as we live them, our mind becomes quiet.

That which integrates (Dharmic living) is living a life of values.

– Purity of mind

– Integrated mind

– Available mind

RAW for this week: Think about the content we reviewed. Which topic has resonated with you the most, and why? Topics: a manual for life, dharma, happiness, the value of values, and fearlessness and purity of mind. 

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