Week 11: The Conditioning of Experience

Notes by: Saadhvi Mamidi

Review from last week:

In all different experiences, the experiencer stays the same

B(ody) M(ind) I(ntellect)

P(erceives) F(eels) T(hinks) → eternal subject (experiencer)

O(bjects) E(motions) T(houghts)

This week’s question: What makes our BMIs unique?

  • Our vasanas! (developing tendencies)

Ted Talk Video:

  • We watched a video where a man played an incoherent sound a few times
  • After, he played the same sound except made it clearer so that we could hear the words and understand them
  • He played the incoherent sound again, and we couldn’t unhear the words even though there weren’t words being played
  • The second sound made an impression (samskar)

Footprints Example:

  • Imagine you’re going on a hike — you’d obviously leave footprints no matter if you want to leave footprints or not
  • If you walk that path again, the footprints/impressions are even stronger
  • Following the same path is a tendency
  • The impressions formed a path of least resistance

Every action leaves an impression → develop tendencies (vasanas)

  • Vasanas manifest as our likes & dislikes

Fried Ice Cream Example:

  • You like fried ice cream — whenever you see any reminder of it, you automatically want it
  • You start eating fried ice cream after dinner everyday because of this liking
  • This creates an impression, and any day that you don’t have fried ice cream seems incomplete
  • You are dependent on the grief ice cream
  • Your like spiraled out of control and you created a vasana

The Conditioning of Experience:


B(ody) M(ind) I(ntellect)

P(erceives) F(eels) T(hinks)

O(bjects) E(motions) T(houghts)

If actions to create impressions didn’t begin now, they came from past actions (in previous lives)

  • This explains why we are the way we are

Do we have free will?

How do we nurture positive free will?

  1. Be vigilant with your thoughts

Only when you become aware can you have free will

2. Find yourself in a positive environment

A study was done where college students who rode bikes were tested

Flyers were placed in the basket of their bikes, and when the student came back from class and saw the papers neatly in everyone’s basket, they threw the papers away

The other group of students that saw paper all over the ground continued to litter

3. Studying self-development

Remind us of our nature, applied throughout the day

4. Sublimation — not suppress your feelings

A child asks for a snack before dinner, but their mom says no → mother helps sublimate desire

When you grow older and want to eat junk food, physical health sublimates desire

Find a purpose to help transcend desire

Activity: Imagine you were someone else looking in on you?

  • What patterns do you observe in your personality?
  • What behaviors do you gravitate towards?
  • What sort of situations/environments do you find yourself in?
  • How are you when nobody is watching?

Imagine you’re your own best friend — what advice would you give to yourself after this closer look?

  • After looking at both activities, I tried to find discrepancies in the way that I am alone and around people.

I found that I was constantly seeking validation and approval from others when I know I don’t need it. The advice I gave myself was to always be true to myself, no matter if the other person likes me for it or not.

When reflecting on your personality, reflect with open-mindedness, kindness, objectivity, and critical thinking.

Reflection from RAW (last week): Refrain from looking in the mirror

  • Peers found that they had one less thing to think about every day
  • We are so attached to our bodies, and we must let go of this attachment

RAW (this week): Think about one major and minor mistake you’ve made, and share it with someone you respect greatly.

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