Vyashti Prarabdha

Summary of last session (October 1) by Shri Mohan Khandekar

Shri Vijay ji started the session by re-visiting Doha 55, where Shiv ji asks Sati if she tested Shri Ram. Sati replies “no. I only did Pranam to Him and returned”. Shiv ji knows that Sati is lying but He also knows that she is doing so because of Maya, which is also His wish! Here Vijayji referred to shloka 14 of chapter 7 of Bhagvad Geeta:

daivi hy esa guna-mayi

mama maya duratyaya

mam eva ye prapadyante

mayam etam taranti te

He further discussed the topic of Prarabdha  (प्रारब्ध), which is of two kinds Vyashti (individual) and Samashti (group). The Vyashti Prarabhdha is further divided into three kinds.Nimna, Madhyam and Tivra (निम्न मध्यम तीव्र). Each was explained with examples. 

निम्न :One needs to continue with Karm (action) to fulfil the desire

मध्यम:Upasana of Ishta Devata to fulfil the desire

तीव्र: Only Bhagwan can fulfil the desire

He further elaborated on three other kinds Prarabhdha, Ichha, Anichha and Pariccha ( इच्छा, अनिच्छा परीच्छ!)

55:4 Shiv ji is disappointed with Sati because she deceived Shri Ram (Shivji’s Ishta Devata) by meeting Him in Sita’s disguise.  He thought this behavior is against Stree Dharma (स्त्री धर्म), thereby she has compromised her devotional nature.

Vijay ji comments: Path of devotion is as good as Mother. 

Doha 56: Shivji expresses his sadness, anger and thinks “I do not love her anymore”.

56:1 The word Sumirat (सुमीरत) indicates integration of Shri Ram with Shiv ji who resolved that Sati cannot be His wife anymore (in fact it was Shri Ram’s wish).

56:2,3,4: Thinking of Shri Ram, Shiv ji proceeded to his abode, Kailash and heard a voice from heaven hailing Him for the resolve He made. Sati upon hearing this, started to get worried. She asks Shiv ji about His resolve in different ways but He remains non-committal. 

Doha: 57 Sati guessed what the reason was.

Sortha: The words, Priti ki Riti (प्रीती कि रीती) represents relation between Guru and disciple.  When they connect intellectually, there is no difference between them. However the impure thought of one will negatively influence the other. Similarly the actions of Sati resulted in souring relations with Shivji. 

Jai Shree Ram

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