Viveka – Wants vs Needs

October 6, 2021

Notes by Reva Sagi

Story –
A Donkey and Tiger live in the forest and are talking together.  The donkey says the grass is blue, while the tiger says the grass is green, so an argument breaks out and is very heated.  They go to the King of the jungle, the Lion, where the Donkey said that the Tiger was annoying him so the king punished the Tiger for 5 years of silence and the Tiger asked, “Why?” The king said because you are the smart animal and you shouldn’t have brought this argument to me.

Lesson –

Donkey is the I want- I want desire in our head. We keep chasing these desires our life. Tiger represents our needs, the voice in our head that makes good decisions. We should nurture our tigers by listening to it more and not paying attention to the needless wants in our heads.

Raw –

Ask yourself everyday who did you feed, the Donkey or the Tiger.  Donkey represents short term happiness and the Tiger represents long term happiness

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