Vinayasheela – One Who is Humble

March 15, 2021

Notes by Vastavi Choudhari

Om Vinaya-Sheelaya Namah- I admire the one who is humble.

What does it mean to be humble?

It is when you show modesty to one’s importance.


There was a man who was riding and he saw three men trying to move a log and then there was a man sitting there not helping them. So the man who saw these goes up to the man who is sitting and not doing anything and asks why are you not helping them? The man says I am the Commander. I don’t have to help them. So the other man gets off his horse and goes to help the men who are trying to move the log after they move the log the Commander asks that man who are you? That man replies I am George Washington, president of the USA.

Moral of the Story: No matter whoever you are you should always be humble and help others.

Practice: The practice that we had to do was we had to see one quality or value that we have to work on ourselves. Then after we got that one quality we went and asked our parents what quality they thought we needed to work on.

RAW (Reflection Adventure of the Week)

Before you start your day you have to touch your parents feet.


Notes by Vishva Sachania

This wonderful week we inquired the value: Vinaya-Sheela (To admire the one who is humble)

We learned about the three rules to being humble:

  1. No task is too small
  2. Give credit
  3. Admit your faults

We talked a little about each rule, and then did an activity to see what we needed to improve on. In order to be humble. After inquiring what we need to improve on, we asked our parents what we needed to improve on, and most of us got the same improvement as what our parents thought.

Story time!

(Today we have 3 stories for each rule!)

1. No Task is Too Small Story

This story takes us back in the day, where a man was riding on his horse and he saw a group of soldiers. He noticed that the soldiers were struggling with lifting up a heavy log. This man then detected that there was a captain of the soldiers sitting on his horse and watching the soldiers struggling. The man approached the Captain and questioned “Why you aren’t helping you soldiers?” The Captain replied, “Because I am the Captain of this team, and I watch them over while their job is to lift up this log” So then the man went up to the soldiers and helped them, and together they lifted up the log. The Captain then told the man, “Thank you for helping, what is your name?” The man replied, “My name is George Washington, President of the United States” The Captain felt ashamed. The End. 

2. Give Credit Story

            Shankar Ji’s Mother teaches Indian Classical Dance. After every performance, people will wait around to tell Shankar Ji’s Mother how well she did. Everyone would say that she did a good job, put a lot of effort, but she always gave credit to her teacher. The End.

3. Admit Your Faults Story

            When Shankar Ji was in school (as a young child) everyone in his class would always give treats to everyone else in the class when it was their birthday. It was one of Shankar Ji’s classmate’s birthday, so she brought in cupcakes to the class. There was only one cupcake per person, so everyone was told to take only one cupcake. Shankar Ji finished his cupcake. Then when all of the kids took their cupcake and went to recess, Shankar Ji saw that there were only a couple cupcakes left and it seemed like everyone had finished taking their cupcakes, but Shankar Ji quickly took one more and ate it.  (Shankar Ji had 2 cupcakes!) So, at the end of the recess the teacher saw that one of the kids didn’t get a cupcake, and she asked the students, “Who took 2 cupcakes?” Shankar Ji took a lot of courage to admit it was him. The End.


This week our RAW is to touch the feet of your parents.

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