Vinayasheela – One Who is Humble

March 15, 2021

Notes by Om Shreejay

Review –

We reviewed the virtue of phala sakti rahita – cheerful acceptance.

Virtue of the week –

Om vinaya sheelaya namaha – this means “I admire the one who is humble”.

What does humble mean? 

It means we think of others before we think of ourselves. It means we don’t think we are better than anyone else. Everyone is equal with their own strengths and weaknesses. Humility is to be humble.

3 rules to practice humility –

  1. No job or task is too small for us to do.
  2. Whenever we are given praise, we always give credit to someone else. 
  3. Always admit your mistakes or faults.

Story 1 (Highlighting Rule 1) –

A long time ago (1800s), there was a rider on a horse. He saw a group of soldiers who were moving a log away from the path. He noticed one man sitting on a horse not working on removing the log. He asks this man why he was not helping. The man said he was the captain and just gives orders.

The rider goes ahead and helps the others to move the log away from the path.

The captain asks the rider – Who are you? He replies that he was George Washington, the President of the United States!

The captain realizes his mistake and learns the lesson – no job is too small.

Story 2 (Highlighting Rule 2) –

When Shankarji was a child, he used to practice Kuchipudi and his mom was the dance teacher. After every dance performance, people used to give his mom compliments on how good she was. His mom always replied that it was because of her teacher that she could do what she could. The lesson from this is – to always give credit to the people who are behind your success – your teachers, parents, community etc.

Story 3 (Highlighting Rule 3) –

When Shankarji was a child, someone brought cupcakes for his class with one cupcake for each child. Shankarji had 2 cupcakes and did not admit to taking it when his teacher asked. He realized that he should have admitted his mistake. 

Practice (Rule 3).

  1. Write down one quality you need to work on to improve the most.
  2. Go and ask one of your parents what one quality they think you need to work on to improve the most.

When we focus on practicing 1 virtue, we end up practicing other virtues. 

Reflection for the week (RAW)

Every morning before you start your day, touch your parents’ feet (prostrate).


Notes by Pranavi Ananthanarayanan

Name: Vinaya sheela 

Meaning: I admire the one who is humble.

What does humble mean?

We never think we are better than other people.

3 Rules for being humble:

1. No task or job is too small

2.  Whenever we are complemented we have to  give credit to someone else.

3. Always admit your mistakes or faults.

Practice: Write 1 quality you think that you need to improve the most, then ask your parents what they need us to improve most.

RAW: Every morning touch our parents feet

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