Value Relationships

January 24 2024

Notes by Manav and Viyom Mistry

Raw from last week: Do something nice for someone every day.

Review: There was man was in the forest, and he chopped wood every day. He was not a happy man because he was always looking for what he didn’t have. One day while the man was chopping wood, his sleeve tore open and a diamond fell out of the sleeve. The lesson from the story is happiness is inside of you.

Story: A man got stuck in a freezer. Then man thought of things about things he liked. Then the thing he liked started appearing out of nowhere. Then he thought of his family, and he wished for them, but nothing happened and Kiran was sad. Then the guard opened the door. The man did something nice to the guard every day so the guard did something nice back.

The lesson from the story: The lesson from the story is when you do something nice it always comes back to you. You can think of a thing you like.

Activity: A game with questions.

Raw: At school say hi to someone you don’t know.


Notes by Naami Deo


We had a story when someone’s parents died and left him with nothing, he felt that life was unfair and he couldn’t make enough fortune for life. One day in winter he accidentally broke his sleeve.  a precious  jewel came out. a family heirloom and he was so happy. This teaches us life can go up and down. You should be grateful for what you have and be kind are our raw was to  compliment anybody everyday


Kevin worked at an ice cream shop one day. He checked the ice cream in the freezer. When he opened the door and walked inside the door closed behind him and he couldn’t get out. After a while he started getting cold. He thought of all the things he Loved and they appeared dogs, stuffed unicorns, bananas, with ice cream pie, and stuffed teddy bears but then started thinking about the people. He loved his wife, his daughter, his dad, his mom, his puppy and none of them came. He couldn’t even see them and at his last moments felt really sad but then the door opened and the security guard came inside and took him out. Kevin asked him how did you find me and why did you? The security guard said A lot of people ignore me in the morning and at night when they leave and come from work but you always say Good morning and every night you say. goodnight and this morning you said good morning but you didn’t say goodnight so I came looking for you. Kevin said good night and went home


In the part when he thought things he loved and people he loved the things came but the people didn’t . We should value people more than things.


Dwija didi  asked us a Questionnaire they where basically it’s be alone with things or with family / friends

Reflection Adventure of the Week 

Everyday say hi to someone you don’t know.

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