Upanishad Course RAWs

Hari Om! Here is list of all The Reflection Adventures of the Week for the Upanishad Course. Please share your reflections, experiences and thoughts via comments below.

  • RAW for Year 2, Week 28: May 9, 2023
    Review all the lessons and prepare to summarize in class lessons 17 to 23
  • RAW for Year 2, Week 27: May 2, 2023
    Review all the lessons and prepare to summarize in class lessons 9 to 16
  • RAW for Year 2, Week 26: Apr 25, 2023
    Extract what part of each of the 4 shanti mantras are the most important to you.
  • RAW for Year 2, Week 25: Apr 18, 2023
    Learn and understand the shanti mantra of Rg-veda and prepare for the test next week on the explanation of this mantra
  • RAW for Year 2, Week 24: Apr 11, 2023
    No RAW
  • RAW for Year 2, Week 23: Apr 4, 2023
    Every day this week write down the 16 Kalas that are shared in Chapter 21 and try to memorize them
  • RAW for Year 2, Week 22: Mar 28, 2023
    No RAW
  • RAW for Year 2, Week 21: Mar 21, 2023
    Sleep Better
  • RAW for Year 2, Week 20: Mar 14, 2023
    No RAW
  • RAW for Year 2, Week 19: Mar 7, 2023
    Write a 1 page article on what Holi means to you. What is your upanishadic perspective on Holi.
  • RAW for Year 2, Week 18: Feb 28, 2023
    Chart out each Mantra from each Class
  • RAW for Year 2, Week 17: Feb 21, 2023
    Count how many papa-s / demerits you incur this week.
  • RAW for Year 2, Week 16: Feb 14, 2023
    Invest 30 mins a day contemplating on the current lesson 19
  • RAW for Year 2, Week 15: Feb 7, 2023
    Contemplate every day 30 mins on this lesson 19
  • RAW for Year 2, Week 14: Jan 31, 2023
    Contemplate every day 30 mins on this lesson 18 (especially pages 1-6)
  • RAW for Year 2, Week 13: Jan 24, 2023
    Quantify how many people do you trust and what makes you think that you trust them.
  • RAW for Year 2, Week 12: Jan 17, 2023
    Feel that every Being you interact with is a reflection of you.
  • RAM for Winter break 2022
    For the next 5 weeks, look and listen to Guruji’s discourses on Kathopanishad.
  • RAW for Year 2, Week 10: Nov 15, 2022
    Summarize all of Lesson 17 into 3 points as covered over 3 weeks.
  • RAW for Year 2, Week 9: Nov 8, 2022
    Visualize having a meeting with someone who is enlightened and how they will judge you on how you are using the opportunity you have as a human.
  • RAW for Year 2, Week 8: Nov 1, 2022
    Feel that Bhagavan is resting in your body.
  • RAW for Year 2, Week 7: Oct 25, 2022
    Learn something new about your sense organs
  • RAW for Year 2, Week 6: Oct 18, 2022
    Practice article-less awareness. Our awareness is always on articles so practice being aware of no articles
  • RAW for Year 2, Week 5: Oct 11, 2022
    Take the vrata (promise) to feel that you are consciousness and live from there for an hour a day. This is from Ponder Over section on page 10 of Chapter 15.
  • RAW for Year 2, Week 4: Oct 4, 2022
    Before you make any decisions throughout this week, reference www (what would the wise do)
  • RAW for Year 2, Week 3: Sept 27, 2022
    This week feel your eyes more in terms of what they are and what they do.
  • RAW for Year 2, Week 2: Sept 20, 2022
    This week learn something new about your own mind that you never knew before.
  • RAW for Year 2, Week 1: Sept 13, 2022
    Summarize in 3 points per lesson the remaining lessons (7-14) of TUC that Vivekji will review next week.
  • RAM for the Summer break 2022
    Join our weekly course during the summer called Living the Gita which is created by our CommUnity .
  • RAW for Week 28: May 10, 2022
    Use OM more in your daily communications
  • RAW for Week 27: May 3, 2022
  • Get an OM tattoo in an implied way by reading the Mandukya Karika to know how precious OM is and so that the value for OM is imprinted in your personality.
  • RAW for Week 26: April 26, 2022
    Memorize the Kaivalya Upanishad‘s mantra 1.7
  • RAW for Week 25: April 19, 2022
    Out of the 24 mantras we have covered so far, read one new mantra before you contemplate everyday.
  • RAW for Week 24: April 12, 2022
    Write what is the message of each of the 12 chapters that we have completed in sutra form.
  • RAW for Week 23: March 29, 2022
    Don’t let any article, being, circumstances make you serious.
  • RAW for Week 22: March 22, 2022
    RAW 1: For a period of your day, dress very uncomfortably
    RAW 2: Contemplate everyday. If you already contemplate everyday, do it twice every day.
  • RAW for Week 21: March 15, 2022
    No RAW
  • RAW for Week 20: March 8, 2022
    Every time you desire an object and then you get it, document how you felt when you desired it and after you got the object.
  • RAW for Week 19: February 22, 2022
    Whenever you look at the clock, temporarily change your position. If you are standing up, sit down and if you are sitting down, stand up.
  • RAW for Week 18: February 15, 2022
    Whenever you don’t feel like doing something, do it immediately without any delay.
  • RAW for Week 17: February 8, 2022
    Practice likhita japa by writing half a page of “Tat Tvam Asi – Aham Brahmasmi” in the morning and half a page in the evening every day.
  • RAW for Week 16: February 1, 2022
    For 10 minutes a day, visualize that you have x-ray eyesight so you can see to the core or fundamental of everything. Do this for a total of 1 hour this week
  • RAW for Week 15: January 25, 2022
    Be more loving this week
  • RAW for Week 14: January 18, 2022
    Vivekji had shared 9 swarupa lakshanas from Mudakya Upanishad. Choose one of the lakshana, write it out and keep it with you at all times
  • RAM for Winter break 2021
    Watch and take notes on all episodes of the Manah Shodanam taught by Vivekji on Chinmaya Niagara Youtube Channel
  • RAW for Week 11: December 7, 2021
    Instead of asking people “how are you?”, think/say “why are you?”
  • RAW for Week 10: November 16, 2021
    Part 2: Perceive/see the Nataka deepa this entire week
  • RAW for Week 9: November 9, 2021
    Part 1: Feel that you are a Nataki/Nataka (an actress/ an actor)
  • RAW for Week 8: November 2, 2021
    At the end of every day right before you are about to sleep visualize that you are having a meeting with Bhagavan Krishna and Bhagavan Krishna is asking you “What kind of bhakta are you?” and you have to tell him what kind of bhakta you are every day for the next 7 days and also explain why.
  • RAW for Week 7: October 26, 2021
    Practice the Shata Kosha Viveka, start with lifestyles on Wednesday and keep going deeper to Atman by Tuesday
  • RAW for Week 6: October 19, 2021
    Every article, Being, and circumstance you come across, mentally acknowledge 1 deficiency
  • RAW for Week 5: October 12, 2021
    Feel as if this is the final week of your life and of All of Creation but not everyone knows this.
  • RAW for Week 4: October 5, 2021
    Every time you react, think, say and write “Naciketas”
  • RAW for Week 3: September 28, 2021
    List tamasik (lazy) / rajasik (aggressive) behaviours you no longer engage in
  • RAW for Week 2: September 21, 2021
    Be confident with sambandha
  • RAW for Week 1: September 14, 2021 
    Review the Benediction, Gratitude, Guidelines & Instructions, Transliteration and Course Content found in the sample lesson – chapter 1 on the CIF website

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RAW for April 25: What is the most important part of each of the 4 shanti mantras for you?

  • Rg: Intensity (may my effort my intense – may i immerse in the Truth day and night)
  • Yajus: Purpose (may my bhāva of ananya bhakti be protected)
  • Sama: Deny (may i never deny Brahman; may i never compromise the Truth of Oneness)
  • Atharva: Vision (may i recognize Brahman in all ABCs)
  • RAW for Year 2, Week 19: Mar 7, 2023-Write a 1 page article on what Holi means to you. What is your upanishadic perspective on Holi.

The festival of colors, Holi, is the most vibrant of all Hindu festivals. It marks the end of winter in India and welcomes the spring season. On this festive day, people play with colors, meet and greet one another and create new beginnings.
Legend has it that once, there was a powerful king named Hiranyakashipu. He was a devil and was hated for his cruelty. He considered himself to be God and wanted everybody in his kingdom to worship him like one. However, his own son, Prahlada, was a devotee of Lord Vishnu and refused to worship his father. Angry with the disobedience of his son, Hiranyakashipu tried killing his son a number of times, but nothing worked. He then asked his evil sister, Holika, for help. Holika possessed a special power of being immune to fire. So, to kill Prahlada, she tricked him into sitting with her on a pyre. But due to her evil intentions, her power became ineffective and she was burned to ashes. On the other hand, Prahlada gained this immunity and was saved. This is why the first day of Holi is celebrated as Holika Dahan and symbolizes the victory of good over evil.
In the region of Braj (where Lord Krishna grew up) in Uttar Pradesh, Holi is celebrated until the day of Rangpanchmi as a huge festival, in memory of the devotional love of Krishna and Radha. A local legend is associated with this as well. When Krishna was a baby, he acquired a distinctive blue skin colour after drinking the poisoned breast milk of the she-demon, Putana. Later, when he became young, he would often feel sad about whether the fair-coloured Radha or other girls in the village would ever like him because of his dark colour. Giving in to his desperation, Krishna’s mother asked him to go and colour Radha’s face with any colour he wanted to. So when Krishna applied colour to Radha, they both became a couple, and since then, people have started playing with colours on Holi.
In the first story, when ‘Holika’ realized her mistake and surrendered, she was liberated and became one with Bhagavan Krishna. In the second, when colors are applied, it makes all seem as One with Bhagavn Krishna.
Thus, for me, Holi is all about showing the Diversity in Unity

write a page article on Holi means to you as a student of Upanishad Course
Holi is a Utsava / celebration to understand the essence of this Life and to live cheerfully with meaning and purpose .
from the highest/absolute stand point colors are maya / projection / Avidya . GO deeper to move from creation / colors/ jagat to creator / white light/ Jagadishwara to consciousness /colorless/ Sat chit Ananda
Color represent our gunas and shift the gunas from tamas to rajas to satva and go beyond to see the inner light/ awareness which helps us to know and see all the colors .
Its a festival to remind us that one is all and all is one . so be his instrument/Nimita and be sthane /All is as all is
Traditionally its a festival of colors marking the beginning of Spring and ending of winter
Our life will be bright /cheerful /content if we become virtuous by removing the vices
See the strength in others and everyone has their own colors so accept and adapt is the key to be cheerful
Hold on to him to be joyous to dissolve the colors in us and around us to feel the unity / sat / truth which removes the separation /no otherness / distant

Last edited 2 years ago by Meena Vairavan

RAW for Year 2, Week 19: Mar 7, 2023
Write a 1 page article on what Holi means to you. What is your upanishadic perspective on Holi?

Why is Holi relevant to our study of the Upanishads? It is a fun and beautiful expression of the core teaching of the Upanishad – Oneness. This fact and teaching is expressed through the three stories which underlie the celebration of Holi. First is the story of Radha and Krishna, where Krishna asks Radha to color His face as She wishes, because He (as if) is worried that She will not like Him because of his dark complexion. But no matter how many different colors we can put on our skin, our Self remains unchanged. The teaching here is: deeper than this name/form/diversity is Unity/Awareness. It’s lovely to see people from all walks of life playing Holi colors together, because this is the true spirit of the festival – to break down our artificial divisions and hierarchies and to celebrate our underlying Unity. Second is the story of Rishi Prahlada and Holika, where Holika sits in a fire with Rishi Prahlada and holds Him tight, so that He will be burned by the fire. Instead, her fire-resistant power is transferred to Rishi Prahlada so He is saved and she is burned. The teaching her is: with single pointed devotion to Truth, no negativity can burn us. Ananya-bhakti = mumukshutvam is essential for spiritual progress. Third is the story of Bhagavan Shiva and Kamadeva, where Shiva burns Kamadeva who tries to distract Him from contemplation. In order realize Truth, we must burn all our other desires in life – pleasures, possessions, positions. So long as we crave anything other than Truth, we will remain stuck in the cycle of separation-smallness-sadness. Again, we have a vivid example of the importance of Ananya-bhakti. Through these three stories, the festival of Holi reminds us of the truth of Oneness and the necessity of exclusive devotion to this truth if we hope to realize it and benefit by it.

RAW for Year 2, Week 17: Feb 21, 2023 Count how many papa-s / demerits you incur this week-
Counting them made me more aware of all the demerits i engaged in the past week. The seemingly trivial ones started to stare right in the face and became more magnified. In a way this was good as it made me more aware of any procrastination, any indulgence, any negative thought i was harboring. It was as if a magnifying glass was put on and each flaw became much more significant.
The awareness, helped me steer away from it.

List out the Upanishad quoted by Guruji in the course
For lesson 19


Adding the next set


RAW for Year 2, Week 13: Jan 24, 2023-Quantify how many people do you trust and what makes you think that you trust them.

I trust fully in the Trust Triangle.
If i have to choose a person, i trust my Guru completely, because he is guiding me in the right path to the knowledge of the Divinity.

RAW for Year 2, Week 13: Jan 24, 2023-Quantify how many people do you trust and what makes you think that you trust them.

  • RAW for Year 2, Week 13: Jan 24, 2023-Quantify how many people do you trust and what makes you think that you trust them.
  • If trust in a person is the same as faith in that person (reliable, dependable), then in day to day life, there are many whom i interact with of that kind.
  • But if i have to quantify the really close ones and rare situations that i totally have to trust them, then my first go to is my Narayana. I pray that all will be well when i approach and ask of a favor and then i give it to Him. Believe it or not, 100% times this has been successful.
  • Then again i have utmost trust in my Gurus.

feel that every being you interact is  reflection of you
   This raw brings more  the interconnectedness as every being is extension of me .  i can able to see the best in  them and  it brings out the best ( love and care ) in me  as well.  

RAW for Year 2, Week 12: Jan 17, 2023-Feel that every Being you interact with is a reflection of you.
   During my reflection walks in Silence Retreat, i felt like the bird on a tree, the twig on the road, the water flowing through the drains etc. i thought i might have been these in my earlier births and some memory was bringing that awareness to me. This brought them closer to me and reduced a sense of separation. So looking at people and thinking of them as my reflection helped reduce separation and in fact i had more empathy for all whom i interacted with – my mind did not compare them or compete with them.
   Hopefully continuing this, my vasanas can be reduced and help in purifying my mind. 

  • RAM for Winter break 2022 –For the next 5 weeks, look and listen to Guruji’s discourses on Kathopanishad. Things i learned according to CM’s plan:

Day 01: Upanishad, Study of Upanishad and Meaning of Invocation prayer
Day 02: Qualities of an Ideal student, knowing where to accept, when to question and inquire
Day 03: Only Dharma is permanent – righteousness alone should be the controlling and regulating factor in our life
Day 04: 6 waves of sorrow we suffer
Day 05: Attitude behind rituals
Day 06: Vedanta alone is valid means to Knowledge
Day 07: A Guru is a must- Grace of the Guru who has the power to dispel doubts, teach and Enlighten is needed to gain Knowledge
Day 08: Temporary nature of things-pleasure remains for the time being but bondage is Permanent
Day 09: Need to develop an ability to objectively Introspect
Day 10: Tug of war between Good Vs Pleasant (Shreyas Vs Preyas)
Day 11: Finding a Guru to reveal spiritual knowledge is the greatest wonder
Day 12: Reflecting on why i am unable to live a spiritual life even when i know its
Day 13: Reflect on how i can rise above Joys and sorrows
Day 14: Going beyond time, space and objects (kAla, deSa, vastu ca)
Day 15: Manifest and unmanifest forms of Bhagavan (Vyaktam, Avyaktam ca)
Day 16: Atma is neither a Cause nor an Effect
Day 17: There is neither Sin nor Merit (Papa or Punya)
Day 18: Know IT– that which remains with everything, yet is Untouched
Day 19: Choose That and That (SELF– Atma Tattva) alone- IT manifests as Gurukripa, Shastrakripa and Iswarakripa and IS revealed
Day 20: Purity of mind is Key for Knowledge
Day 21: Jeeva and Paramatma are like shadow and Sunlight
Day 22: Metaphor of a
Day 23: This human body and life – my greatest Asset– do not let it become a liability
Day 24: Higher and subtler means more Pervasive
Day 25: The Power of Totality
Day 26: Get single-pointed (EkAgratha)
Day 27: Practical Meditation
Day 28: Spirituality is razor‘s edge path
Day 29: The glory of Knowledge
Day 30: Turn my gaze to my Self (inward looking)
Day 31: Withdraw the mind fully
Day 32: Become fearless
Day 33: Who is ‘I‘?
Day 34: Here, there and everywhere
Day 35: Be the rain falling in the Ocean
Day 36: Rule like the King
Day 37: Proof of the Self
Day 38: Not victim of actions
Day 39: In what light is dream seen?
Day 40: There is no Peace in finite things
Day 41: Even the luminaries shine after IT
Day 42: Rhythmic perfect flow
Day 43: Human life is BEST– do not wait for other worlds
Day 44: Listen, Reflect and Meditate
Day 45: Ignorance then NEVER returns
Day 46: Cut the knots of the heart (Hrdayagranthi)
Day 47: Remove the covering and Know.
Day 48: Practice, practice till i’m THAT


summarize lesson 17 into three points
Remember him to remove the vasanas – to lead/know our nature
desire him only to dissolve all the desires – to loosen
dedicate all our action to him to destroy the result of action- to destroy
purpose= effort= reward /rejoice

  • RAW for Year 2, Week 10: Nov 15, 2022-Summarize all of Lesson 17 into 3 points as covered over 3 weeks.
  1. Avidya (ego, causal-forgetting who i am), Kama (desire, intellect’s (subtle) desires) and Karma (action, by the body, gross) are the Hridaya granthis that are to be broken – so as not to feel the separation from Atma
  2. Karmaphalas bind only one who has jIva-bhAva – he is a kartA and bhoktA. When jIva-bhAva ends, the foundation of karma and karmaphala are totally destroyed and he rediscovers Atman
  3. Such a jnAni goes beyond all three karmas – sancita, prArabhda and AgAmi – he is liberated and Bhagavan’s will functions through them.

RAW for Year 2 -Week 9: Visualize having a meeting with someone who is enlightened & rate yourself on how they will judge you on how you are using the opportunity you have as a human.

  • Meeting with Swami Vivekanandaji – Geetha, you are close to 65% although you rate yourself as >85%. I’ll give you the reasons:
  1. You forget the magic spell of your ego, which sometimes acts through your koshas – catch it before it hits your Vijnanamaya Kosha. You will realize you are not your anger, not your sense of accomplishment(doer) or sense of regret.
  2. Keep working at it whenever possible seriously so there is no returning back to this samsara – so you are NOT your ego.

visualize having a meeting with someone who is enlightened and how they judge you and how you are using the opportunity
this Raw made me to engage in talking with Gurudev more than what i usually do . being in the presence of the pinnacle , i do feel very peaceful /very small /overwhelmed with gratitude . i am very thankful for the all challenges in my life sometimes back to back which made me move closer to him . i know all these hits for me is to go back to my home and find the comfort from within myself.Thanks Gurudev for giving inner strength to go through all the experience and making each day to better myself . i have no one else to hold on to and i am sure your grace and blessings will be there always and all times.
once vivekji mentioned in our class, the purpose of the each breath is to fight against ego and to make the equipment quieter so that bhagavan will rest in our heart always . from that acute /right angle perspective , i have to work a lot. i am asking for your help to remove the impurities in me and as you have mentioned in your high roaring voice ( ur picture will come to the mind :)),i am keeping my goal so high to achieve so that i can strive / aspire to live this goal till my last breath
thanks for your guidance , support through Gurusishya parampara for helping me to live this Life carefully and to the fullest .
thanks for keep inspiring us through your words to increase our stamina to walk on this path to reach our destination /abode of peace / rediscover my nature/ to reach you

Last edited 2 years ago by Meena Vairavan

RAW for Year 2 -Week 9: Visualize having a meeting with someone who is enlightened & how they will judge you on how you are using the opportunity you have as a human.

Enlightened One to me:

I know you are trying and you are doing better than ever before and grown beautifully!(They are being too compassionate!)


You are still holding on to your heartaches from childhood, the world being unfair to you and memories feeling insufficient and not loved. The impressions might have been strong as a child back then. You are able to recognize that you have to let go of these negative tendencies which is good. You are still attached. Don’t cling on to the expectation – to be included by your parents and your sibling. You think that this is it, and if you don’t get that expectation fulfilled you are doomed! Why that deservership? One rule for others and one for you?…

– Let it go…. Remember that this is NOT the only life time and Don’t miss this point. This is only a learning. Few other things…

You tend to be lazy. don’t let the vision and purpose out of sight. Prioritize every moment!
You don’t appreciate what you have. Use all that you have.
You are not as kind to mother earth. You know you can try harder, but you don’t.

You canNOT stand in the way to reach your purpose. No time to waste anymore. Don’t look back at all. Just give it ALL to Bhagavan and gain your focus on HIM ALONE.

RAW for Year 2, Week 8: Nov 1, 2022-Feel that Bhagavan is resting in your body.

  • In Silence Retreat, we felt like we were sleeping on the lap of our Bhagavan
  • In contrast, Bhagavan resting in my body seems even better, as it tells me not to go through turbulences – feeling balanced in all circumstances, never too elated never too distressed, be aware of what goes in thru all senses, etc – as it might disturb my Narayana! It has been a wonderful experience. Much gratitude.
  • RAW for Year 2, Week 7: Oct 25, 2022-Learn something new about your sense organs

Am noticing how all the sense organs feed their data to the mind. Found that touch, smell and taste don’t bother as much as what sight and hearing did. Eyes and ears provoke thoughts which makes me act in this world as words – speech and art.
About art i wasn’t concerned much as it was harmless but words, i had to put them through a filter (intellect as Vichara) sometimes. This i found is connected to my EGO as i had to apologize sometimes. In all this i found an underlying quietude in ‘Observing’ and cheer in ‘Surrendering’ to my Narayana.

Learn something new about your sense organs.

i started a new love ( deeper love )for smilie and poems , poetry / sanskrit words /ancient tamil words. i am injoying the chariot and horses ,bow and arrow ,lightening dipa in dia clay container . It takes me to the deeper meaning and helps me in reflecting more . some of the Sanskrit words i do injoy is vibuhu/ Manisha( independence) . i do have friends with this names , when i call them i enjoy more by adding more sweetness in the voice :))) Dharayan, sasvatam,( conviction, ever fresh ) lipyate( untainted) ,Nirvana ( blown out into infinity)sodum( withstanding all pressures) Suhr(large hearted ) ,Tusyanti( content)Vikampena( fearless) , paviram, uttamam, param , santam, Anvayavatirekha , dhataram list goes on . i do name our garden and things in our houses to keep remembering him to connect with him in deeper way

secondly i develop new interest /love to paint . The hands love to engage in creating the most captivating verses of Bhagavat gita to me into pictures which i can see the verses in art form to reflect . The whole body injoys and gets absorbed while creating each piece .it helps me to move from creation -creator- consciousness

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