Notes by Aarav Luthra

Today Vivekji was on the zoom call. We started off by sharing our favourite thing that happened this month. We reflected on how we felt while doing our favourite activity.


The story was about Ravana and Rama. Vivekji talked about how Ravana had ten heads and twenty hands. Every head and hand was doing a different thing at a time. This meant Ravana was never happy and he did not make anyone else happy.

On the other hand, Rama had only one head and two hands. Rama was an expert at doing one thing at a time. Rama spoke so carefully and clearly that everyone understood him right away. Rama shot an arrow so carefully and clearly that he would not need to shoot another one.

The message from this story was that we need to unitask to beat multitasking. Rama was happy inside and he made everyone happy. Ravana was unhappy inside and made everyone unhappy. Ravana was a multitasker vs. Rama was a unitasker. We should be proud of doing one thing at a time well!

Two tips on how to defeat multitasking and only unitask:

  1. Imagine there is a rope connected from your forehead to your hands.
  2. Whenever we are studying, we can’t have music on or screens on, other than for studying.


For 2 minutes, we had to tidy the room we were in. Imagine we had a rope attached to our forehead and our hands. Do you think we did a better job tidying up? Definitely better as we are thinking about what we are doing.


1. What bow cannot be tied? A rainbow

2. What is the easiest way to get straight A’s? Use a ruler

3. What is a balloon’s favourite music? Pop music


Q. Why is the schedule always changing?

A. Change is changeless. Change is always happening. The only time change is not going to happen is when you are sleeping. This is why the schedule keeps on changing.

Know, Plan & Accept — Know change is going to happen so Plan for the change and it’s going to become much easier to Accept.

Q. . What did Vivekji do for Vijaya Dashami?

A. Vivekji was teaching a 50 hour silence retreat. Retreat taught others to be stronger and independent. He was also a part of a celebration where they learnt about Devi Durga and Rama.


Everytime we eat, we can only talk to family (if at home) or friends (if at school). We can’t do anything else.


Notes by Aarya Mishra
Lesson / Story

Vivekji started the class by asking us about our best time this month. We thought about how we felt when we were the happiest, how present we were in those moments. When you are your best, everything you are doing becomes the best. When you are the worst, everything you do is the worst.

Vivekji spoke about Vijayadashami and what differentiates Rama and Ravana. Ravana had 20 hands and 10 heads. Because Ravana had 20 arms, they were never doing the same thing. Similarly his heads were always doing different things. Ravana is symbolic of multitasking which makes us agitated and unhappy.

Rama has 2 arms and 1 head. Rama was an expert on doing 1 thing at a time. This is symbolic of unitasking which makes us calm and happy.

Vivekji gave us 3 tips for unitasking.

  1. Imagine that there is a rope attached from your forehead to your arm. That way, if you move your hand to the left, your head has to go to the left.
  2. No music or other distractions while studying.


Vivekji said that we had to tidy up our room. You had to tidy up your room while having a “rope” tied to your forehead and arm. He chose this practice to show how to do unitasking. We definitely did a better job of cleaning with being distracted or frustrated.


  1. What bow cannot be tied?

A rainbow.

2. What is the easiest way to get straight A’s?

Use a ruler.

3. What is a balloon’s least favorite music?

Pop music.


Every time you eat this month, you can only talk to family and friends. No TV, no music and no phone! No multitasking.

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