Udaara-hrdaya — One who is Large Hearted

Notes by Vastavi Choudhari

Review of Last week:

Aangla Bhasa Viduttma-I admire the one who can communicate well.

How can we be a better communicator?

  1. Think before you speak.
  2. Try and see the other person’s perspective.
  3. Give the person you are talking to your full attention.

RAW(Reflection Adventure of the Week)

Learn 5 new english words and their definitions.

This Week:

Om Udaara- Hridya Namah: I admire the one who has a large heart.

What does having a large heart mean?

Having a large heart means that you are always giving to others.

How can you become better givers?

To become better at giving you need to be grateful for the things that you have. We always are thinking about ourselves and because of that we forget to give to other people and we forget to be grateful.


There was a college professor who gave his students a surprise test. On that test he asked them to “Describe the Paper you see.” So for 30 minutes everyone was writing away very fast, after all the students handed in their papers, he read aloud what all the students had written. Every single student had described the black dot that was on their paper but no one described the whole blank white page. What the professor wanted to do was teach the students that sometimes when we have problems in our life we focus on that and forget about the things that we have and all the people that are always there for us.


In the practice we watched an episode of Adventure Time, and in this episode Finn the Human’s favorite sword was broken and he was verysad about it. Even though his friends tried to do things to make him happier it did not work. So they started Plan C. In Plan C Finn was the celebrity judge for the Battle of the Bands competition. As Finn was judging all the band he kept hearing this soothing melody and when he went to figure out what it was, a Music Hole which had been there from the start of time. While the Music Hole and Finn were talking the Music Hole said that she was jealous of him because he had friends who were always there for him. That is when Finn realized that he should not be sad about his sword and see how much his friends were trying to make him happier.

RAW(Reflection Adventure of the Week)

You have to start a gratitude journal and every morning write three things you are grateful for.


Notes by Vishva Sachania

This lesson we learned to admire the one who is large-hearted (one who is a giver)

Om Udaara-Hryidya Namah!


We watched a video from one of Sumanji’s favourite shows, called Adventure Time. In the video Finn the Human was upset because his sword broke, he starts to hear a nice sound. He enjoys this sound, so he follows it. In this video the background sound represents things we are grateful for. And at the end of the video Finn feels lucky to hear the music, just like how we should never take things for granted.


A college teacher assigns his students with a surprise test. When the teacher tells the class to turn over the paper, all the students had a black dot on their papers, and they had to write what they saw on their paper. When the test was over, and the teacher looked at what the students wrote. The teacher noticed that everyone wrote about only the black dot, not the white area around it. And the teacher was proud. The End.


In this story the black dot is representing the positive feelings in us and the white space represents the negative feelings. This means we should always think of the black dot just like the students did.


Write a gratitude journal every morning of 3 things you are grateful for.

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