Tough times are just — “times”

September 25, 2019

Notes by Ambika Mishra

Vivekji shared the story of Hellen Keller with us. When Hellen Keller was not even two years old she lost her sight and hearing due to an illness. Even with that, she finished her school and wrote many books. She still had a wonderful life and inspired a lot of people.

Message of Story-

  • Tough times are just “times”. They change.
  • You can be happy no matter what situation.
  • One should never giver up!

Swami Chinmayananda used to say that the people who keep waiting for the waves to stop on a beach would never be able to swim because they just keep waiting.


Our practice was holding our breath. We tried to hold it for two minutes or as long as we could. Then we tried holding our breath again, but instead of just holding we thought about people we loved. Most people were able to hold their breath longer while thinking about people whom they loved. I think the reason was because we were HAPPY and motivated the second time.

We should during tough times think about positive things.

Notes by Keshav Ganesh

The life of Hellen Keller — When Hellen Keller was 2 years old she got very sick. It was very serious. It caused her to go blind and deaf. She completed highschool and college and was very good at art. When she grew up, she became an author and an activist. Helen Keller passed away in the 60’s. Now, lots of states celebrate Helen Keller day. Even some countries celebrate Helen Keller day!

Message –

1-Tough times happen

2-Wounds heal and you forget

3-How tough Hellen Keller’s life was like.

At beach you see waves. Someone said, “ When the waves stop, I’ll go into the ocean.” That will never happen.

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