Tapa — Being Strong

January 15, 2020

Notes by Ira Mehta

Review of last week

– Honesty is the best policy

– When you’re honest, matters are much simpler

This week

– Value is Tapa~ being strong

– Short story about Swami Chinmayananda

– If you want a strong mind, you need to think

– You’re weakest when you’re hangry~ hungry and angry

– People who are hangry are not very strong and they are demanding

– The more demanding you are with what you eat/drink, the more you become hangry

– You should eat and drink simple foods such as fruits, vegetables, and water


We did Pranayama and focused on our breathing to make our minds quiet. When you’re mind is quiet, you can control your anger.


Notes by Arjun Mahes

Last Week Plus Point

  • Honesty makes matters simpler.
  • Dishonesty makes matters more complex. You first make a lie, then you have to make a lie for the lie, etc.

Being Strong — Tapa

Swami Chinmayananda Story:

-Swami Chinmayananda went to the North part of India to study the scriptures.

– Swami Chinmayananda was walking to Swami Tapovan (his teacher) ashram when he saw a person neck deep in the ice cold river Ganga.

– Swami Chinmayananda was taken aback. That person was really tough and strong. At this moment, Chinmayananda thought he didn’t belong in Uttarkashi because he couldn’t do what the tough man was doing and got ready to go back home.

-Swami Tapovan Maharaj asked where Swami Chinmayananda was going.

-Chinmayanandaji being honest said all about his observation.

-Swami Tapovan Maharaj replies “That man thinks you are mentally strong and he wants to be like you, while you want to be like him”

Moral: Studying our scriptures are being stronger rather than being physically strong.

  • A person with hanger (hunger + anger) will always be demanding. You are the weakest when you feel hanger. Having a quiet mind calms you and makes you less hangry and thirsty.


We tried Pranayama (deep inhalation and exhalation of breath)

Why did we do this: Pranayama helps get a quiet mind which means stronger mind.

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