Tag bhagavatam

What is Maya

ViBha Class Notes: April 10, 2022 In our culture, we have a flow to follow samskaras. There are various systems of samskaras. The most popular now contain sixteen samskaras, and the sixteenth samskara is called Antyeshti – antya means final…

Bhagavat Bhava

ViBha Class Notes: April 3, 2022 Bhagavata describes Bhagavan. Bhagavan is the ends. Bhagavata also describes Bhakti. If there is an ends, there has to be the means. Bhagavata also encompasses the Bhakta, the one who is following the means…

Bhagavata Dharma

ViBha Class Notes: March 27, 2022 A seeker had recently asked Vivekji how to shift her dependence from external security to internal security. The reason why this transition is difficult is because we don’t know enough about Bhagavan and we…

Be Impartial like Bhagavan

ViBha Class Notes: March 13, 2022 The most significant impediment for us feeling independently joyous is known as vipareeta bhavana. Bhavana means feeling or identification and vipareeta means erroneous or wrong. It makes us feel separate from Infinity, Divinity and…

Hrt Krshna – Krshna I am

ViBha Class Notes: February 27, 2022 The structure of Srimad Bhagavata: Skanda 1 – message is for an Adhikari, a seeker.  Skanda 2 – message is for the seeker to engage in sadhana, disciplines,  practices that help them to evolve.…

SHIVA for Simple Living

ViBha Class Notes: February 20, 2022 The message of Shrimad Bhagavata is high thinking. The evidence of this is in the first verse where the last teaching is Satyam Param Dhimahi – May we contemplate on the truth. The message…

Bhagavan Bhaktabhaktiman

ViBha Class Notes: February 6, 2022 Often when we think of the Puranas, we typically think of a rakshasa who is engaged in that which is wrong and Bhagavan comes and destroys this rakshasa so that all is right. We…