Tag bhagavatam

Uddhava Gita

ViBha Class Notes: September 25, 2022 Can we change our karma? — a young boy asked Vivekji. We can change our karma in two ways, Vivekji shared. One way is — That karma is going to be experienced, but we can make ourselves stronger…

Follow his teachings

ViBha Class Notes: September 18, 2022 This first prayer shares that the Only One who can help us finally from this sense of incompleteness or dis-ease is Shri Krshna, is a Higher Presence. The second prayer which forms the first…

Yuga Sadhanas

ViBha Class Notes: May 15, 2022 In Skanda 11, in Adhyaya 2, Shri Vasudeva, Bhagavan Krshna’s father, has this intensity to know his son as Bhagavan, not just as his child. And this is a very reflective question as it…

What is Kama?

ViBha Class Notes: May 8, 2022 Pujya Swami Chinmayananda, who is devotedly known as Gurudev, experienced Mahasamadhi, the day his body died, on August 3. That day in our culture is known as Sadhana Day. A fine way to understand…

Narayana Parayana

ViBha Class Notes: April 24, 2022 In our Chinmaya assemblies, we chant “devotion to the people is devotion to the Supreme Self”. Our course, Vedanta in Bhagavata, is dedicated for us to be Bhaktas. If we only identify as Bhaktas,…