Suhrd – One Who is Friendly

April 12, 2021

Notes by Om Shreejay


We reviewed the virtue of Sanyasa – which means “I admire the one who lives simply”.

Virtue of the week – Being Friendly

Om Suhrdde namaha – I admire the one who is friendly. 

Suhrd – Friendly

The most important quality of a friend – one who wants you to be better more than if you like them. We should all be friendly, but we should not try to be everyone’s friend because then you will be thinking about what they think of you. We should want what is best for others, but not focus on pleasing others


One day Ravana wanted to teach Rama a lesson because everyone thought that Rama was stronger. All his advisers he should teach a lesson because they wanted Ravana to think highly of them and told him what he wanted to hear. But only Vibhishana told Ravana that if he tried to teach Rama a lesson then he would surely be destroyed, Ravana exiled him in anger. But really Vibhishana was Ravana’s best friend because he told Ravana to do what’s better more than he liked him.


Discuss in groups of 3 – What is one thing that you are trying to improve on?

Remember the people in your group and listen to what they are working on and give them your guidance as a friend.

Reflection for the week (RAW)

Every day, share one new thing you have learned with someone else.


Notes by Pranavi Ananthanarayanan

Name: Su-hrd

Meaning: I admire the one who is friendly

What does it mean to be friendly?

It means you have to think your friend is better than you.

We should be friendly but we shouldn’t be everyone’s friends. 

Story: So Lord Rama is going to be the prince and then the enemy of Lord Rama is Ravana. He wants to be the prince too and then Raavana’s friends were just telling him that he should be the prince. But then Ravana’s brother Vibishana was telling that Lord Rama is the god and Lord Rama should be the prince because Vibishana tells that truth only. Then Ravan kicked Vibishna out of the palace.

Practice: We went into break out rooms and we had to tell 1 thing we had to prove best on.

RAW: Share 1 new thing to someone.

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