by Aparna Easwar

Chinmaya Mission Portland (Chinmaya Haridwar) was privileged to host the 6th National Parenting retreat from May 26-28 with Shri Vivekji. ”Vision of Growth” was the focus for the retreat and Vivekji explored this topic through Guruji’s Jivanasutrani – Tips for Happy Living.
Once a parent, one is a parent forever – Vivekji expounded on how parenthood can be equated to perpetual opportunities to get better, a Yoga. 70 adults and 35 kids from across the US and Canada attended the camp and enjoyed age-appropriate programs and family fun activities. The campers enjoyed Yoga sessions, meditation, bhajans, soccer in the park, movie nights in between parenting workshops. CHYK Sevak and Sevikas assisted by high schoolers, were running parallel workshop sessions for elementary and middle school campers. CM Portland’s Shadras Kitchen offered sumptuous meals throughout the camp.
The camp also facilitated the Upanayana Samskara for 16 vatus under Vivekji’s guidance. Volunteers enabled enough practice sessions for the vatus to familiarize themselves with the Sandhyavandana vidhi, thus empowering them to practice on their own after the camp culmination.
Youth of CM Portland organized the annual CORD walk during the camp emphasizing daana for a higher cause. The walk raised $12,000 towards CORD for Women Empowerment projects.The camp concluded with some take-ways for parents of all ages and with plans to meet again for the next Parenting camp.