Sin and Karma

Week 4 (10/05/22) What is sin? (+ what is karma)

Notes by Vishva Sachania

– Questions Arjuna asked Krishna (what we have gone over so far)

“What is peace?”- quietude of mind

“What is sin?”- actions binging us away from happiness

– The law of karma= when your actions come back to you (can be good/bad)

– This is a core Hindu belief

– Reincarnation is related to the law of karma (our life cycle)

– What is more significant?: an impact or intention of an action of karma

I personally believe intention is more important

Impact is mostly caused by intention

w/out intention (mostly) there isn’t an impact

– Karma varies whether your intention is good/bad

– Sorrow is spread inevitably (we always give either joy or sorrow)

– When committing to selfless actions, we have to completely detach from our strong

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