Silence Retreat

Cleveland OH | September 28 to October 2, 2019

By Rita Patel

Adult seekers from various stages of life travelled internationally and domestically to Cleveland, Ohio on September 28th, 2019 to be guided by Vivekji in the most demanding sadhana of silence and contemplation. This was a retreat to practice what is learned through discourses and scriptures on Vedanta. During the 100 hours of silence, the only responsibility of the seeker was to turn their attention inward. Seekers followed a simple, repeated schedule of contemplation, nutrition, and reflection during which they practiced both closed and opened-eye meditation. Vivekji methodically led them through de-identification from the layers that veil one’s true nature during multiple, daily contemplation sessions. The body was taught to relax and the breath to be natural. Chanting with the mind helped quiet the thoughts and brought its concentration on the virtues of one’s Ishta Devata and then to oneself. The intellect was then able to inquire into deeper questions of existence. Acknowledgement of jagat’s role in one’s life confronted the ego and helped reduce its powerful hold. Eventually, seekers were brought to a stillness that would be unforgettable. The transformation from day 1 to day 5 was evident in the cheerfulness and lightness with which the seekers carried themselves on the last day of the retreat. Infinite gratitude was expressed by all for the endless dedication and efforts of the retreat organizers, Vivekji, Sumanji and Shankarji. The next challenge for the silence retreaters is to remain equipoised regardless of context and to implement a regular practice of contemplation in order to carry that quietude of mind and stillness in their otherwise “noisy” lives!

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