March 4, 2020
Notes by Aditya Mahes
In the ancient times in Bharat, millions of years ago, a great teacher Shankaracharya resided. He had many disciples and one was Sunantana, a boy who was very devoted to his teacher. One day Shankaracharya was taking a bath in the river (he was very close to nature). Once he finished his dry clothes weren’t there. Seeing this, Sunanthana, on the other side of the river held Shankarachara’s dry clothes. Sunanthana was helpless. He decided to walk through the fast flowing river. Suddenly, the river supported his weight with lotuses. Every step he took a lotus came to support his feet for his faith towards his master(Shradha) . From then on he was known to be Padmapadacharya, who’s feet are like lotuses..
- Faith is when you feel that you can be more which makes you do more.
- For example, Vivekji used to travel for 250 days every 365 days. That’s traveling on 80 planes a year.
Secret for being faithful to yourself.
- When you are close to those who are faithful they help you find faith in you.
- For example, you can’t find happiness in someone who doesn’t have it himself. Only someone who is happy can show your happiness inside.
When is faith most needed
- Faith is needed when there are challenges; people with faith don’t complain criticize or cry, they try (again coming back to Vivekji’s example)
Practice: What environment you will feel that way
1. Listened loud music in a loud way.
a. Didn’t feel so great
2. Listened to soft music in a soft way.
b. Felt calm and relaxed
Notes by Laasya Kommineni
As you think, so become. Whoever you love you become
Last week studied prema (to live which makes you higher) Sneha means to live which makes you lower. Prema is being kind.
Value of the Week: Shradha - being faithful
Faith is when you know you can be more. When you start to be more faithful you start to do more.
When you’re close to those that are faithful in themselves, they help you find faith in yourself. Only somebody who’s happy can show you happiness.
Part 1: listen to loud music in a loud way
Part 2: listen to soft music in a soft way
Whatever environment you’re in you will become like that environment. RAW: Every hour that you are awake write the word “faith”