Summary of last session (February 17, 2024) by Shri Mayank Patel

Shri Vijayji mentioned that we have entered into a very important section called Shiv Geeta. Then explain the meaning of Paribhasa and Akhyayika (To understand the meaning in our life of what is being explained).

He revised Parvatiji’s questions (asked for the good of the world) to Shivji in Do-108 to 110: Please explain to me about the other desireless, all-pervading Brahman, discuss in detail the conceptions of Bhakti, Jnana, Vijnana and Vairagya, the importance of Vedas and Guru. Shivji became glad to hear these questions and Rama’s exploits flashed on his mind and his eyes filled with tears. Ramakar vratti reflected in Shivji’s heart which brought immense joy to Him.

Do-111: He lost in meditation, and after a while, he pulled himself out of meditation (He always remains within), and we always remain outside. Jivanmukti can be attained by totally surrendering Guru and hence by Guru’s grace. By not knowing Sri Rama, the Brahman, unreal seems real, and the moment we know Him the world of matters vanishes, just as a dream disappears upon waking up. He worships Rama’s child form, repetition of whose name (antahkarana seeking Rama) brings mangal to us. Ramkatha sanctify all the spheres like Gangaji purifies the whole world.

Do-112: Sorrows come from avidhya only, keep listening to Ramkatha for removing sorrows (Shravanam and mananam).

Shiv Geeta continues: –

112-4:” The heart is hard as adamant and cruel indeed which does not rejoice to hear the tales of Sri Hari. O Girija, hear the exploits of Sri Rama, which prove beneficial to the gods and mystify the demons.

Do-113: Ramkatha is like Kamdhenu (the cow of plenty), and bestows all blessings on those who devote themselves to it.

113-1: O daughter of mountain-king, listen to it with reverence. It scares away the birds of doubt and cuts the tree of Kaliyuga (the impurities).

113-2: The charming name of Sri Rama as well as His virtues, stories, births, glory, and deeds have all been declared by the Vedas to be beyond number and are also endless.

113-3: Uma, seeing your great love for Ramkatha, I will tell them to my best (as per shisya’s understanding) and as I have heard [Once upon a time in Treta Yuga, kumbhaj (jar-born) sage Agastya narrated the story of Rama at length]. Your inquiries are naturally winning and delightful and are approved by the saints and I am pleased to hear them.

113-4: Parvati, I did not like one thing, although you uttered under delusion: you suggested that the Rama whom the Vedas extol and on whom the sages contemplate is someone else!”

Here Shri Vijayji mentioned (so that we keep remembering) that Vedas are The Praman!

Do-114: Those vile men alone who are possessed by the devil of infatuation, know no difference between truth and falsehood.

114-1: They are foolish, ignorant, and blind, the mirror of their heart is clouded by sensuality, deceit, and grossly perverse, who have never seen love and blessings of holy men (sage) even in a dream.

 114-2: They have no sense of gain and loss, they make statements against Vedas. They don’t see and understand how soiled is the mirror of their heart, how then, do their souls behold the beauty of Sri Rama?

114-3: No assertion is too absurd to make for those who do not know either sagun or nirgun Brahman and who indulge in fanciful talks of all kinds and who spin round in this world of life and death due to ignorance.

114-4: Those who are delirious or mad, those who are possessed, and those who have drunk the wine of infatuation, do not talk sense. None should give ear to their ravings.

Shiv Geeta will continue at Gyan-ghat! 

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