Summary of last session (February 10, 2024) by Shri Mayank Patel




Shri Vijayji explained that maybe one in millions gets Ramakar vratti in mind even after seeking Rama’s darshan (Brahman) constantly for months and years. Then he revised how Ma Parvati’s questions to Shivji cover all matters of the world. Also mentioned briefly Pancham-Veda and Rama-Upnishad.

Ma Parvati continues asking Shivji:

110-3: “You are the preceptor of all the three spheres, what can other poor creatures know; so, declare the Vedas.” Shivji’s heart is gladdened to hear Umaji’s pleasing and serene questions.

110-4: The figure of Sri Rama reflected on the mirror of His heart and all the exploits of Rama flashed on His mind. His eyes filled with tears and the hair on his body bristled with rupture. This brought immense joy to Shivji, who himself is Supreme Bliss.

From here starts Shiv Gita, the knowledge, is also called Gyan-ghat. Kagbhushandiji’s updesh to Garuda-maharajji is called Upasana-ghat and Gyanvalkyaji’s to Bhardwajji is called Karma-ghat.

Do-111: For a few moments, Shivji was lost in the great happiness of meditation. He then recovered himself and began joyfully telling Ma Parvatiji the story of Rama.

111-1: “Due to lack of knowledge about Sri Rama (Brahman) the unreal seems real, just as ignorance about a rope for a snake. The moment we know Him the world of matter vanishes, just as the delusion of a dream disappears as soon as we wake up.

111-2: I bow down to His child form, repeating His Name, success comes easily. Please take compassion on me, who himself is Home of Bliss and plays in King Dasharatha’s courtyard.”

Shri Vijayji explained that our body is for mangal, our antahkarana is the courtyard and amangal is sorrows. When Rama comes into our hearts then amangal leaves and mangal happens.

111-3: Thus, after paying homage to Rama, the Slayer of the demon Tripura joyfully spoke: “O daughter of mountain-king; you are blessed and worthy of applause; there is no such well-wisher as you.

111-4: That story of the Lord of Raghus you like to hear again is potent enough to sanctify all the spheres like how Gangaji purifies the whole world. You are full of love for the feet of Raghu’s race; you have asked questions to me only for the good of the world.”Shri Vijayji explained that we have to seek a relationship with Rama at all levels. Through upanishads seek Rama as Nirgun Nirakar Brahman, by upasana and bhakti worship Rama as Sagun Iswar, and by following the path of dharma and karma as He taught in Rama Avtar.


Do-112: “By the blessing of Rama, O Parvati, not even in a dream can grief, infatuation, doubt or error enter your mind, so far as I can judge.” (Avidhya leads to doubt, desire, and sorrow.)

112-1: “You have expressed the same doubts again so that all those who repeat or hear this may be benefited thereby. The ears are no better than snake-holes which have never heard stories of Sri Hari.

112-2: The eyes are as good as the sham eyes in a peacock’s tail which have not blessed them with the sight of saints. The heads are like bitter pumpkins that bow not at the soles of Sri Hari.

112-3: Those who have not cherished in their heart the spirit of devotion to Sri Hari are as good as dead, though living. The tongue that does not sing the praises of Rama is just like the tongue of a frog.”

Shiv Gita will continue at Gyan-ghat!

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