September 27, 2023
Notes by Om Shreejay
Last week we learned an acronym – ARK
Action: is to help us conduct ourselves – what we should do and shouldn’t do to stay happy.
Relation: is our attitude to the world and ourselves.
Knowledge: is how to realize how to get happy and to realize that we are already happy (our nature is happiness).
Once there were researchers who were looking for a rare creature. They knew its call and that it was a nocturnal animal. They found the remains of a rare animal that helped them follow it. Everyone wanted to be the first to document the animal by taking a picture of it. One person was very organized. People would laugh and tease him for being so organized, but they also respected him. One night the researchers heard the call of the animal. They scrambled to get their gear, but no one knew where their gear was as they were not organized. As they were searching, the animal got away. On the other hand, the organized man knew where his gear was and was able to follow the animal and take its pictures. The next morning, when the others went to the organized man they were surprised and impressed with what he had done.
The man was very organized and when it was time to act, he was ready. Our first lesson is to be organized. We must be prepared – outer organization allows inner organization.
We put our dominant hand behind our back and then put our other hand in honey. We then took our hand out and let it stay like that for the rest of the class. This made us feel disorganized.
Make your bed every morning.
Notes by Sahil Bhakta
We use this to help us understand our lifestyle and how we can live in such a way that we are happier to realize we are happiness.
A – Action– How we conduct ourselves – guidelines for what we should do regularly to be balanced and feel happy as well as for what we should avoid doing that leads us to feel sad.
R – relation– our attitude as it relates to the world and ourselves even though we don’t have control over the results.
K- knowledge– what we value is how we see the world.
A group of scientists were going to the woods to study a rare beast. One of the scientists was different. He sat at his desk and kept everything neat and clean. He knew where all his stuff was. Others made fun of him. The beast came out and all of them ran looking for the beast. The following day they got together to discuss. The scientists they made fun of had pictures and sounds of the beast and knew where precisely the beast ran off to. Everyone was impressed.
The moral of the story is to be
- Organized
- Clean
- Healthy
Raw for the week:
Make your bed every day