Satya – Non Compromising

Nov 1, 2023

Notes by Naami Deo


The monkeys love bananas so much that they won’t let go and get captured 

RAW find something of yours and give it away 


There was a thief who asked a holy man “How can I be more holy”? The holy man said “You should take down one of your bad habits.” The thief decided to quit lying because robbing is what supported his family. One day he decided to take everything from the king’s treasury. He climbed the balcony and heard the king but he didn’t know because he was disguised as another robber trying to see if his soldiers were happy. So they teamed up and stole everything equally and left one diamond for the king. The king who was disguised said “Give me your address and we can do this another time”. It was awesome in the morning, the soldiers realized that everything from the treasury was stolen! The king knew but he acted surprise and sent the minister to see if anything was left. The minister went in the treasury and found one diamond. He put in his pocket thinking that the king would think that everything was gone and then he went back to the king and said nope. So the king knew that there was still one diamond and he probably stole it. But he first gave the soldiers the address that the robber gave him so they captured the robber and got back the money. And the king asked “Did you steal the treasury stuff”? “Yes” said the robber the king asked why he was so honest. The robber said “I did it because I wanted to be more holy and the holy man said I should break one of my bad habits and I chose lying”. The king asked if there if he left any money or diamonds and the robber said “I only left one with my partner” and he saw the minister shaking like crazy. So he asked the soldiers to pat the minister down to see if there were any diamonds and there was so the minister was fired and the robber became the new minister.


  • You should be always honest and you should never lie
  • Keep your promises


Dwija didi asked us not to think of chocolate cake. Don’t think of it this chocolate cake. No no no chocolate cake.

And she asked us what we were thinking about. She said something she was thinking about like what was the flavor? Did it have to be chocolate cake? Could it be strawberry cake? Did it have to be cake?

She gave an example if she wanted to make a promise that she won’t eat junk food like chips and kept on saying don’t eat chips, don’t eat chips, don’t eat chips she will probably eat chips. If she says eat more spinach, eat more spinach eat more spinach instead, she’ll eat more spinach and less junk food. 

Reflection Adventure of the Week 

Keep a promise to ourself 

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