Share reflections and observations of your Application below!
☀ Aug 9, 2021
Write (in 1 page) what this course means to you. Email your 1 page summary to the Chinmaya Niagara team at
☀ Jul 26, 2021
Always think bigger. Implement this in whatever way possible.
☀ Jul 19, 2021
This Friday, July 23rd is Guru Purnima. Take a commitment (vratta) to let go of an input (vishaya) forever.
☀ Jul 12, 2021
Every person you interact with, classify them as controlling or guiding. Write down why did you categorize them as such.
☀ Jun 28, 2021
Join in to the ‘Dharma in Daily Living’ every Monday in July from 8 – 9pm, as part of the Hindu Society of North Carolina. The details are as follows:
For the July 12th class, rename your Zoom display name as follows:
Less than age 16: “Youth” – “your name”
Ages 17-28: “Young” – “your name”
Ages 29-45: “Evolving” – “your name”
Ages 46 and over: “Established” – “your name”
☀ Jun 21, 2021
Engage in Vitamin R3 (Reading, Writing, Reflecting) for 15 minutes a day from an elevated position or higher vantage point. Please note – Safety First.
☀ Jun 14, 2021
Invest 19 minutes in researching and reflecting on the civil rights movement or research Pride Month.
☀ Jun 7, 2021
Create your sattvic resume that is to be submitted to your employer.
☀ May 31, 2021
Everyday go into a different part of your living space. Visualise that this portion is imaginary.
Jul 26, 2021 – Always think bigger. Implement this in whatever way possible.
I am bigger than all the knowledge found in scriptures. i have to realize this by being humble and spreading happiness around me. 🙂
Jun 7, 2021
Create your sattvic resume that is to be submitted to your employer.
Attached resume 🙂
May 31, 2021
Everyday go into a different part of your living space. Visualize that this portion is imaginary.
Went into each room and imagined myself to be in a museum. Observed the thoughts:
* the cleanliness of the place has to be maintained but nothing in it belongs to me.
* i never brought anything into the museum so i cannot take anything out of it
Lesson learned:
*If it has to look like a museum, reduce clutter, organize so things are in its place (less stuff).
* i paid to see(use the things) but nothing there belongs to me(so don’t get attached or become possessive)
* Maintain silence when inside to absorb.(Develop quietude of mind to see Self)