Satsang and Smile: RAW

Share reflections and observations of your Application below!

 Aug 9, 2021
Write (in 1 page) what this course means to you. Email your 1 page summary to the Chinmaya Niagara team at

 Jul 26, 2021
Always think bigger. Implement this in whatever way possible.

 Jul 19, 2021
This Friday, July 23rd is Guru Purnima. Take a commitment (vratta) to let go of an input (vishaya) forever.

 Jul 12, 2021
Every person you interact with, classify them as controlling or guiding. Write down why did you categorize them as such.

 Jun 28, 2021
Join in to the ‘Dharma in Daily Living’ every Monday in July from 8 – 9pm, as part of the Hindu Society of North Carolina. The details are as follows:


For the July 12th class, rename your Zoom display name as follows:
Less than age 16: “Youth” – “your name”
Ages 17-28: “Young” – “your name”
Ages 29-45: “Evolving” – “your name”
Ages 46 and over: “Established” – “your name”

 Jun 21, 2021
Engage in Vitamin R3 (Reading, Writing, Reflecting) for 15 minutes a day from an elevated position or higher vantage point. Please note – Safety First.

 Jun 14, 2021
Invest 19 minutes in researching and reflecting on the civil rights movement or research Pride Month.

 Jun 7, 2021
Create your sattvic resume that is to be submitted to your employer.

 May 31, 2021
Everyday go into a different part of your living space. Visualise that this portion is imaginary.

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Jul 26, 2021 – Always think bigger. Implement this in whatever way possible.
I am bigger than all the knowledge found in scriptures. i have to realize this by being humble and spreading happiness around me. 🙂

Jun 7, 2021
Create your sattvic resume that is to be submitted to your employer.
Attached resume 🙂

 May 31, 2021
Everyday go into a different part of your living space. Visualize that this portion is imaginary.
Went into each room and imagined myself to be in a museum. Observed the thoughts:
 * the cleanliness of the place has to be maintained but nothing in it belongs to me. 
 * i never brought anything into the museum so i cannot take anything out of it
Lesson learned: 
 *If it has to look like a museum, reduce clutter, organize so things are in its place (less stuff).
 * i paid to see(use the things) but nothing there belongs to me(so don’t get attached or become possessive)
 * Maintain silence when inside to absorb.(Develop quietude of mind to see Self)

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