Sati Repents

Summary of last session (October 15) by Shri Mohan Khandekar

Shri Vijay ji conducted the Ramcharit class in conjunction with Vanprastha Samvad workshop. He recapped the part of Ramcharit Manas story of Muni Bharadwaj and Muni Yagyawalk, where Muni Bharadwaj wants to know the real identity of Shri Ram from Muni Yagyawalk. 

Shri Vijay ji further referred to part of story where misguided and confused Sati wants to test Ram and instantly recognising her He shows her His Brahmand Swaroop. 

He further gave an extensive explanation of the word Soch (सोच), which has been used eight  times between Doha 48 to 56. Soch comes from ignorance (अविद्या) which leads to delusion, desire. fear of sin and this downfall ends with grief. 

One can get real knowledge (प्रमाण विचार) from Vedas which is stored in the memory and protects us life after life. Failing to do so one will end up with delusion (विपर्यास) and Imagination (कल्पना. अनुमान).

Doha 58 describes Sati’s realization and repentance. She has realized that she insulted Bhagwan. Tulsidas ji calls her Sayani (सयानी) because she has understood her mistake and turned towards Shri Ram. 

58:3 She is offering her sincere prayer to Shri Ram, calling him Deendayal (दीनदयाल) and asking for forgiveness. Here Shri Vijayji referred to Chapter 7, Shloka 16 of Bhagavad Geeta where Shri Krishna describes  four kinds of

 devotees being his favourite: 

चतुर्विधा भजन्ते मां जना: सुकृतिनोऽर्जुन |
आर्तो जिज्ञासुरर्थार्थी ज्ञानी च भरतर्षभ || 16||

58:4After offering her prayers, Sati completely surrendered to Shri Ram and asked for His forgiveness. (Surrendering Ego is necessary for purification of mind).

59: 1/2/3 Tulsidas ji narrates the sorrows of Sati and indifference of Shiv ji upon emerging from his long Samadhi. Shiv ji is reluctant to tell her Ramkatha. He is upset that she insulted Shri Ram. 

 Jai Shree Ram

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