Sarala- Being Natural/ Simple

November 20, 2019

Notes by Aditya Makes

Review from last week –

  • The Law of the Jungle — “Might is Right’’ (Muscles > Brain)
  • The Law of Society — “Right is might” (Brain > Muscles)

This week’s value- Be Natural (Sarala)-

When are you most natural?

  • Before Bed and when you wake up!
  • Why? You have none to impress or do anything for.
  • Being natural should be a strength not craziness

Simpleness vs. Complexities

  • The simple enjoy simpleness. Complex people enjoy complexities
  • The simple smile, have less desires and enjoy simplicity.
  • The complex complain of being bored, have many desires and can not enjoy simplicity.


Play taboo- the one who has simple and clear mind wins the game.

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