Sarala- Being Natural/ Simple

November 20, 2019

Notes by Ambika Mishra

Review of last class-

We checked out the difference between law of jungle and law of society. Law of jungle is- “might is right” which means muscles are more powerful than the brain. Law of society is- “right is might” which means brain is more powerful than the muscles. Being righteous makes us fearless.


When we observe a sleeping baby, we notice that they are natural and simple. Similarly, when we observe our parents, we notice that they are more natural when they are sleeping or just wakeup, not when they go out shopping or to work. The value that we are exploring this week is “Sarala — Being Natural”.

1- When you are natural you are simple. When you are unnatural, you are complex.

2- When you are simple you enjoy all the simple things.

3- When you are complex you only enjoy that which is complex.

4- A simple person enjoys even a glass of water, looking out the window of school bus. A complex person needs a lot more to be happy.

5- Complex people are easily bored!

6- To live a simple life is to live a happy life.


Find a space in your home that you hardly ever go to and read or write there for 5 minutes and just enjoy.

Question-How can we as parents build a gurukula environment for our children that helps them explore the values they are learning and practice them to build virtues?

Vivekji– Kula = family, Guru = the one who brings light in our lives. We study value in Happy Hour class and when we practice them they become virtues. To make our home into gurukula-

1- Everyone should go to sleep earlier and everyone should wake up early.

2- Everyone should read together, reading books that make you happy.

3- No one should yell or use mean words.


Notes by Keshav Ganesh


Sarala means being natural. When you are natural, you are simple. When not, you are complex. When simple you enjoy all that is simple. When complex, you enjoy nothing.


How many of you live in an apartment? Hotel? And how many live in just a house of your own. You know every space in your home. Go to the place you go to the least. Stay there for 5 minutes and read The Little Prince or write in your book.

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