Class Summary – February 25, 2023

What is happening here in the current scene – It is called Devata Bhavaad. The Devatas are teaching us how to live through a “drama”. 

Again, Vijayji brings the importance of tapah, the way Uma does it. When two tapasvis (Shiva and Uma) meet, their meeting is considered perfect!

Do. 76, we have seen an overview first. Let us go deeper into it. Vivaha is supposed to be done for our own evolution, not just to have fun together. Finding ways to do satsanga together is the perfect way to go about it. However, maya – mayarani will try to pull us here and there. 

There is a purpose for this marriage of Lord Shiva and Mata Parvathy. There are so many things that depend on this. 

76.1: Lord Shiva is not interested as Sati had made this mistake, how can he even consider this. Lord Shiva says,”However, Shri Rama now that you have said it, I don’t even need to think about it – I treat it as my Dharma”.

76.2: There are four people whose words we should oblige without questioning. Mata, Pita, Guru and Prabhu are these vital figures. Their words might not make sense to us right away. However, it is out of long term thinking. Whatever is written by Tulasidasji in Rama Charita Manas is param hitkari. It is for us to do the reflection with determination.

76.3: Shri Rama tells Lord Shiva that his Bhakti, Jnana and Dharma (vairagya), brings him joy. This is for us to note the inner meaning. 

76.4: Shri Rama leaves and Lord Shiva decides to marry Parvathy and oblige to whatever that he has to do that is His Dharma at that point. These are the drama plots that happen in Brahmaloka. Lord Shiva gets his work done by Sapta Rishis. They maintain balance in this Brahmanda. They keep changing in the course of the yugas. Currently the seven are – Athri, Bharadhwaj, Gautam, Chamadagni, Kashyap, Vashishta and Vishwamitra. They control us. So, lord Shiva directs them to Parvathy in the story.

Do. 77: Lord Shiva updates the rishis about how Parvathyji is doing intense tapah. In our lives, as we decide to go on the path of sattva and we have our clarity, the Devi and Devatas give us a test by giving us a huge opportunity towards the samsara. This becomes a crucial test for us. Guru and Scriptures can save you from choosing the wrong answer. Here, Lord Shiva wants the sapta rishis to test Parvathyji. He wants them to stop Parvathyji from further tapah and wants to know the intention. 

77.1: When there is no test, one isn’t able to move forward. We don’t understand the importance of that in  life. Sometimes it is straightforward and sometimes it comes unexpected from behind. There is a path of pleasant and there is a path of good. When we choose one of pleasant, we lose our hard work. We have to prioritize Bhagavan in our lives and not let go of our Sadhana.

 The Rishis find her doing her intense penance – an icon of tapasya. Listen, Uma. Why have you done such severe penance?

77.2: Bhagavan creates a scenario where you get the result of this penance- offering back a siddhi to us. It is short term (this phala) and gets over. We should analyze the intention behind every desire carefully.

As we age, we need to renounce ourselves and put all our energy into helping others. Only then can you annihilate your ego. 

Sapta Rishis say – “Tell us your intention and we will give you the phala!” “We are ready to give”

77.3: Uma says, “ I am hesitating to ask this to you, dear sages, that I want to marry Lord Shiva. When I went to do tapasya, I had determined that I will only marry Lord Shiva and if not I shall perish. I have such a desire which seems impossible. Rishi Narada’s words cannot be untrue. He is our Guru. Without wings, I want to fly. “

77.4: “Look at me, oh Rishis. Look at my mad wants and desires that I want Lord Shiva as my husband”.

Do.78:  The Rishis ridiculed her. They called her daughter of a mountain, meaning she doesn’t have a proper intellect. They laughed at her. They also ridiculed how she is considering Rishi Narada who doesn’t even know what it is to get married. They are asking her how she is listening to him!

78.1: The Rishis kept questioning her guru Narada. He is the one who created issues with Daksha’s family and who ruined Chitraketu’s home and Hiranyakashyapu’s future. He kept making all sannyasis. 

78.2: Rishis told her that if she keeps following Rishi Narada, she would end up nowhere. However, we have to understand that Rishi Narada is someone who makes us Independently Joyous. He always wants us to be happy and get closer to God. He brings our attention to our lifestyle so we can alter it. 

The rishis call Rishi Narada one who brainwashes everyone. 

78.3: They asked Uma how she considered listening to Rishi Narada. Now they ask how she chose Lord Shiva to be her husband when he has no qualification to be a husband! He is nirguna, nirlaja etc. They kept discouraging in all directions. 

78.4: They ask her if she would even be happy if she marries Lord Shiva. They also told her that Sati ended up giving her life because of Him! They talk to Uma as if she doesn’t know. She is Jagat Janani.

Do.79:  The sapta Rishis tell her that Lord Shiva doesn’t care anything about others. He asks and eats bhiksha and he sleeps well. They ask her how she will live with such a person. Women cannot live like that.

Vijayji encourages us to reflect on our lifestyles to make changes and make Bhagavan our first priority.

Jai Shri Ram!

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