Santhusta – Ever Content

Notes by Vastavi Choudhari

Om Santustaya Namah: this means I admire the one who is very content.

What does content mean?

Is the ability to be in peaceful happiness.

How can I stay peacefully happy all the time?

If you want to be peacefully happy you need to give gratitude to the things you already have and not always want things that are not necessities and you do not need them.


There once was a farmer who complained a lot. He would complain about everything like the way his land was for his house, also how he can not put up a fence, and sometimes he could not find his cows because the land was very big and in the night he could not find his way home also he would step in cow poop. So then he called up a real estate agent and told her he wanted to sell the house. After he did that a couple of days later he started looking for another house then he found a house that we perfect it had everything he wanted. After looking at the ad once he looked at it again and again then he figured out that the ad he was looking for was for his own house he called the real estate agent and told her that I am going to stay in this house please take the ad out. The Morale of the story is that we should always be grateful for what you have and not try to get more of it.

Question & Answer Session

What is the karma theory?

Self: The karma theory is whatever you do good or bad it will always come back to you at any time.

Others: When someone is suffering we should help them and make them suffer less.

Why do our parents take care of us?

When your parents get you as a baby they have to take on the responsibility of taking care of you till you are old enough, also because you are their child you are like one of them so they want to keep you safe.

RAW: This week’s RAW is to each day before you go to bed you have to write down three things you are grateful for, and then when you wake up first thing in the morning read the list over.


Notes by Vishva Sachania

Story Time!

One day a farmer was having a hard time managing his farm. There were too many animals and he was exhausted of it. The farmer thought it would be a good idea to sell the farm, so he hired an agent to advertise the farm. Later on, he realised that the farm he currently has is his dream home and he appreciated it. The End!

Story Lesson

We learned in this story we should be appreciative of everything and be grateful for things we have.


Our practice this week was to make a list of the reasons of why we are grateful for our parents. After making our lists, we had to tell them to our parents. Then we wrote in the chat how we felt when we shared the reasons. Most of us felt happy which means we were content. Contentment is the feeling of satisfaction when we do something good.


Every night we have to write 3 things that we are grateful for.

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