January 12, 2022
Notes by Reva Sagi
Review – Definition of Shama = Quietude of mind.
One of the biggest distractions are our devices, ideally we want to use and have control on our devices and not our devices controlling and using us. For example, when we are doing homework, we thing about watching a show etc. a person with quietude of mind will have focus, stay on the task at hand and then a lot a certain time for their devices.
Q: What are some ways to quiet the mind?
A: Chanting, saying Om again and again, Japa, Meditation
Today’s topic is the importance of practicing Seva = service.
Q: How does helping others help?
A: By focusing on helping others, we spent less time thinking only of ourselves. Therefore our mind is purer, because an agitated mind, means our focus is mainly focus on us, the person.
Action – If there is any chores you don’t like doing, change the way you think about it in terms of who it help, you or others.