Śama – Quietude of Mind

December 8, 2021

Notes by Akshera Mukkamala


We are talking about the 9 virtues to be happy all the time. The first one we learned is Viveka – Prioritization. If we don’t remember what is important, we will regret it later on. The second one is Vairagya – Cheerful Acceptance. We need to focus on the positives and take what comes- cheerfully! 


Śama is quietude of the mind. One way to think about it is that the opposite is the mind being easily distracted, with our thoughts uncontrolled. Quietude of the mind is having a focused mind, with our thoughts controlled. With Śama, we are keeping the long term benefit in mind,  whereas without it we are only thinking about the short term. An example of this is Hanumanji while he was flying over the ocean to Mother Sita. A mountain rose up from the ocean and offered him a place to rest, for Hanumanji was very tired. Hanumanji, keeping the long term benefit in mind, decided against resting on the mountain and continued his journey. How do we do this? We eliminate the distractions- because our devices are the most common distractions, we improve our relations with our devices. Do we control our devices, or do they control us?


This week we watched a video on technology- social media, google, our devices themselves, they are designed to have you look at them more and more often, they are designed to make you dependent on them. We were given an example of daydreaming- we find it easier at the given moment to daydream during class, and the more we daydream, the easier it is to fall into that dreamland during class.

Q & A

Q:Is there an in between for using screens, or is it a complete stop?

A: We should have a schedule for our screen time and stick to it. 

Q:Does Online homework count towards our screen time?

A:No. If you are using devices for the long term result, then it does not count into your screen time schedule.

Q:How do I keep track of my mind and not get lost in my imagination?

A:Choose not to engage in pleasurable activities and instead do what you need to do.


Don’t use your devices before 9 am and don’t use your devices after 9 pm. You may use the RAW Workbook to journal your thoughts after each day.

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