Notes by Vastavi Choudhari

This week:

This week we have a pop quiz and it helped us review what we had already learned. After the pop quiz we had Q and A for the rest of class.

Q and A:

How can I be more patient with our family?

So let’s take the scenario that you built a lego and your friends accidentally broke it. You would say I will build it again, but if your brother did the same thing you would get angry at him. So what can you do about that? To make yourself more calm with your family is by thinking that our family is a platform where we can grow and remember the saying “Everything happens for a reason.” So if something happens you will say oh it happened for a reason and then you will be more calmer towards your family.

When your family gets mad at you and you get mad at them what can you do to stop that?

When we are with our parents we have to be more clear about our boundaries. So when you don’t know those expectations you might think that your mom might be able to do this and then your mom might think that you can do something that you can’t. So when you tell your family what you can do then they will know what to expect from you and you will not get into that many fights.

There is no RAW (Reflection Adventure of the Week) this week.


Notes by Vishva Sachania

This week:

This class is our last class until Christmas Break Finishes! We did a review of all the things we learned so far.

The class participated in a poll with questions from what we learned in previous classes.

Q and A:

Q: How do I become more patient with my sibling?

A: We should forgive them whenever they are bothering you as a chance to learn.

Q: Why do conflict with our parents, and how do we resolve it?

A: We should talk and discuss with our parents the expectations of yourself and come to an agreement and plan on how to work on it.

Q: Why do I get frustrated with myself when my good grades aren’t the best, and how do I stop that?

A: It’s great to have that quality to do the best but we need to find out and be clear why we need to have that expectation. Do we want the grades for the sake of it or there is a purpose to it. You don’t have control of the final grade, but you have control to be disciplined while studying and focusing on that as it is something you can control. Instead of setting outside goals/expectations that are out of our control, focus on internal goals that we can control.

Q: How do we keep our anger under control?

A: We should do your part and expect your actions as something to learn from.

(There is no RAW until next class)

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