Remembering Bhagwan, Always

May 1 2024

Notes by Naami Deo


There are two lumberjacks, one young and one old. They had a competition to see who cut the most wood. The young one thought he was going to win because the old one kept on taking breaks. At the end the old one won because the breaks were for sharpening his ax and taking breaks.

  • Don’t judge a book by it’s cover 
  • Just like the ax we should sharpen are body and mind

RAW: To go outside, study something, and write note about it.


A woman knew God was coming to her home. Each time the god came it looked like a stranger and she shooed him away but later, God shared that it was Him just in different forms.


God is everywhere, in everything, and everyone.


Dwija didi asked us can you see anything on this sheet of paper? There was not anything on the blank sheet of paper. But to see God, all she needed to do was draw on it. But without drawing, there was nothing. Effort is required to see God, it doesn’t happen automatically.


Usha maushi talked about steps of gratitude for teachers. 

You should reflect your gratitude to implement it.

This is guru dakshina.

Reflection Adventure of the Week 

Carry the name of a God with you!


Notes by Savitha Somnath Buono


We reviewed the lumberjack story which had the message of not underestimating people and their experience. The old RAW was to go outside and focus on something in nature.


There was a woman who lived in a town who wanted to see God. One night in her dreams, God told her he would visit her. The next day, she cleaned her house and put on a fancy dress. She waited all day and then the doorbell rang. Eagerly she opened it and found a salesman on the other side. Before he could speak, the woman told him to come again another day as she was expecting another guest and closed the door in his face. Some time later, the doorbell rang again. It was the neighbor’s kid who wanted to play with her daughter. She again said that she didn’t have time for her today as she was expecting a guest. She slammed the door and continued waiting late into the night. That night she had another dream with God in it. She asked him why he had not come that day and he told her that he had come twice to her home. Both times she had not allowed him to speak and had slammed the door in her face. The woman realized that God had come to her through the salesman and the neighbor’s daughter. She realized her mistake and was sad.


We have to open our hearts to see God.


Write God on a piece of paper and keep it with us for the whole week.

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