Summary of last session (March 2) by Shri Mohan Khandekar

Vijay ji started the session by  glorifying Shri Ram.  Jeevan Mukti is only possible if you have Ramakar Vratti.  There are four kinds of thoughts when we think of Shri Ram. They are Avatar, Ishwar, Brahman and Nar.(नर). He is the substratum for everything, whether it is Good or Evil. Vijay ji recapped Doha 115 and discussed Sagun and Nirgun.  Why does Bhagwan takes form with Gunas? Because devotees like the attributes (Gunas).

115:4 This Choupahi describes qualities of Jeeva, namely Happiness, Sorrow, knowledge, Ignorance, Egoism and Pride. Everyone knows Shri Ram to be all pervading, ancient and Parmanand. Vijay ji posed a question.  Why is knowledge mentioned here? Answer: the ignorants are deluded but knowledgeable  are “extra’ deluded. He gave reference to Kenopanishad, which says in spite of having knowledge, we act ignorant. He further referred to Patanjali Yoga Sutra, which mentions five “poisons”, namely Avidya (ignorance), Asmita (Egoism), Raga (attachment), Dwesha (aversion or hatred) and Abhivinesh (clinging to life or fear of death).

Doha 116: The themes of Upanishads are underlined here, such as the nature of Brahman etc. Upon describing His swaroop, Shiv ji reveres Shri Ram. The word “Paravar”(परावर) was discussed in length. It is similar to the subject of Para and Apara Vidya in Mundak Upanishad. 

116:1 This is similar to the Mantra from Atmabodha. The ignorant people consider clouds to have the ability to cover the almighty sun.  This is nothing but a case of non-apprehension and mis-apprehension. 

116:2  The darkness and dust may cover the sky but sky is clean and pure. Similarly the true nature of Shri Ram is Sachitanand. 

116:3 /4 Vijay ji alluded to Drik-Drishya Viveka when explaining this Choupahi. Objects are seen by eyes, which are perceived by mind ( मन, बुद्धी, चित्त, अहंकार).  But mind is the matter.  How can it perceive the objects?  Unless consciousness shines upon it, the mind is inert.  That Consciousness is Shri Ram.  “Parvati, just like there is only ONE sun which illuminates EVERYTHING, there is only ONE all pervading Shri Ram who is the substratum to ALL.  He is the controller of Maya, which appears to be real because of His POWER”  Shiv ji explains. 

117: In sunlight or moonlight the shells appear to be shiny silver objects but looking closely their reality dawns upon us. Similarly we can only understand His true nature by knowledge. 

117:1 This choupahi talks about Real and Unreal. Ram, representing the Ultimate Reality is the only support for this Unreal world. All the happiness and sorrows are transitory.  Vijay ji further explained this by illustrating examples of Gross Body (which perishes) and Subtle Body (which doesn’t). 

117:2 The essence of this Choupahi is Bhakti Kripa. “surrender to Ram, who is beginningless and endless, completely and all your delusions will be culminated” Shiv ji advises Parvati ji. 

117:3 Shri Ram (Brahman) being discussed here. He is without attributes and being described as the one without organs of action and perception.  However without Him these organs would cease to function. He is the Chaitanya.Vijay ji reminded that the above choupahis are from Aitareya Upnishad. 

Jai Shree Ram

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