Questions 43 to 48: What is born again after being born? What is the remedy for snow or fog? Which is the biggest vessel? On what does dharma solely stand? On what does fame solely stand? What is the sole basis for the path to heaven?

December 21, 2023 | Class Notes by Ameya Madduri


  • Opening comments by Vivekji: During the “Spiritual Parenting” retreat, trying to plan a samskara called aksharabhyasam. This is done at age 5 (or when entering first grade) and when one is learning to write for the first time. The guide holds the child’s hand and writes AUM. The purpose of education is not education, it is knowledge. Knowledge about AUM and Life.
  • A way to understand why we have samskaras or traditions is they keep us reflective. Samskara encourages us to think about the “why” behind each action. 
  • Our course also keeps us reflective–  with intention, there is evolution. 


  • Question 40: What is nectar?
  • A: Immortal Sanatana Dharma (eternal knowledge) is nectar
    • Answer comes from question 39..
    • Be direct. 
    • In reference to Happiness, instead of trying to become X or Y, be Joy! This means letting go more and living in the present more. A way we cultivate this is to be ok when others are direct with us. Be large-hearted to be ok with direct feedback. 
  • Question 41: What is this entire universe?
  • A: This entire universe is air
    • Someone who is insecure cannot help us be secure. Instead, seek validation from those who do not seek validation themselves. 
    • Only the secure can help us be secure.
  • Question 42: What travels alone?
  • A: The sun travels alone
    • From the text: “Once we imbibe dharma into our lives, we too will be blessed with the confidence and serenity in nature. The Lord will then spark off lofty ideals in our lives. Doing selfless service, like the sun, will come to us naturally and with ease.” 
    • When we work selflessly, the world will work in tandem with us.
    • There is no fear in the mind or failure in the endeavor when we work with selfless or pure intentions. 


Question 43: What is born again after being born?

Answer: It is the moon that is born again after being born

  • Absolute Perspective
    • Jatah– that which is born
    • Kah jayate punah– is born again
    • The waxing and waning of the moon is an appearance. 
    • Similarly, we appear to wax and wane as well (as a body, mind, intellect, ego).
    • The Spirit does not wax or wane. We only perceive an appearance of the Spirit waxing or waning when the Spirit identifies with the body, mind, intellect, or ego. 
    • Example: When a loved one is ill or passes away, we ask ourselves, “how can I carry on?”. But what if that passing happened to a neighbor or someone in Central America? We still carry on with our life. 
    • → The identification makes it seem as though the appearance is real.  
  • Relative Perspective
    • The moon is associated with our mind. 
    • The Deva (semi-god) associated with the mind is the moon, Hence, the moon waxing and waning is a reflection of us being moody. 
    • Pratyahara– “keep the mind close”

→ If you keep the mind close, you direct the mind. Hence, you will be less moody. 

  • Tactile Narrative: Seeker to engage in reflection and personalization. 

Question 44: What is the remedy for snow or fog?

Answer: Fire is the remedy for snow or fog. 

  • Absolute Perspective
    • Himasya– snowiness or fogginess 
    • Bhaisajyam– cure or remedy
    • In Chapter 10, verse 11 of Bhagavad Gita, Shri Krishna shares “jnana dipena bhasvata” → Shri Krishna is the one who lights the lamp (agni) through which we experience knowledge (jnana). We come to know ourselves and the purpose of life through this knowledge. 
    • The direct method to know your purpose and know yourself is to love the Divine– the Divine will light the lamp in you so that you feel the knowledge (not fogginess)
  • Relative Perspective
    • Chap 6, verse 19 of Bhagavad Gita, Shri Krishna shares “yatha dipo nivatha staha”– for anyone who wants to train in contemplation, they should be like a lamp in a room with no wind. 
    • When you are confused, unitask! Concentrate on what is immediately in your space and time. Matters will become clear! 
  • Tactile Narrative: Seeker to engage in reflection and personalization. 

Question 45: What is the greatest (biggest) vessel?

Answer: The Earth is the greatest (biggest) vessel. 

  • Absolute Perspective
    • Kimsvid– what
    • Avapanam– vessel
    • Mahat– great
    • Lord Narayana has two spouses- Devi Lakshmi and Bhudevi (mother earth). 
    • The original Being (Lord Narayana) is associated with that which is also great/big (Mother Earth)
    • Bhudevi is the mother of mothers. 
  • Relative Perspective
    • The greatest space or vessel also provides us the greatest opportunity to change and evolve. We cannot evolve when we are dreaming. When we are awake, we have a field in which we can change. 
  • Tactile Narrative: Seeker to engage in reflection and personalization. 

The next section of the Yaksha Prashna contains the word “Ekapadam” repeatedly. This means “single support” or “stands solely”. 

Question 46: On what does dharma solely stand?

Answer: Dharma solely stands on efficiency/dexterity

  • Absolute Perspective
    • Daksha– being able to do only what you can do
    • As a human, what is the only thing that you can do? 
    • → Only you can realize that you are God. Only humans can do this! Therefore, everything we do should be towards knowing who we are. If you are not dedicated to this, you are engaging in atmaha (suicide) of this opportunity. 
  • Relative Perspective
    • We can be more efficient when we follow what is right. 
    • If we know what we are doing is right, we don’t overthink that decision. You care less about judgment from others. 
  • Tactile Narrative: Seeker to engage in reflection and personalization. 

Question 47: On what does fame solely stand?

Answer: Fame solely stands on charity

  • Absolute Perspective
    • Danam– charity 
    • Charity is an expression of generosity which is an expression of responsibility– these make you “remembered” or “revered” 
    • Dvaita– duality or “getting”
    • → Getting individualism… one gets more and more individuality 
    • Advaita– oneness or “giving”
    • → Giving up individualism… those who live to give up have less limitations 
    • By giving resources, time, and effort, you come to a point where you are giving up the feeling of “giving effort” (this is the ego)
  • Relative Perspective
    • Legacy (Yasha) is usually externalized– money, statues, etc
    • Real legacy is internal
    • → As long as the act of kindness and generosity is remembered by even one person, the soul of the giver of charity enjoys heaven. 
  • Tactile Narrative: Seeker to engage in reflection and personalization. 

Question 48: What is the sole basis for the path to heaven? 

Answer: Truth is the sole basis for the path to heaven 

  • Absolute Perspective
    • Step 1: Sat sanga– associating with those who are noble → Inclusivity. (This propels to step 2)
    • Step 2: Sattva– that which is like Sat → Integrity (become more inward-looking)
    • Step 3: Satya– that which is close to Sat → Ideally (when you live for a purpose, not a person)
    • Step 4: Sat– Existence or Infinity → If you want to feel Infinite, you have to practice inclusivity, integrity, ideally, and then the result will be Infinity. 
  • Relative Perspective
    • Being steady pulls being sincere. Being sincere pulls being strong. Being strong pulls being successful. 
    • → if you want to be successful, be steady first. 
  • Tactile Narrative: Seeker to engage in reflection and personalization. 

Discussion Subject

  • How to enjoy sattva more? 

Discussion debrief:

  • Vivekji’s observations from last week– What is a short-term, medium-term and long-term strategy/technique/practice to be less moody?
  • → Short term: Japa (meaningful repetition)– raises quality of thoughts and emotions 
  • Vivekji’s Observation: When we choose aggressiveness over quietude or vice-versa, analyze which provides you more energy. When you see which path provides more energy, you will enjoy sattva more. 


Last week’s RAW: Don’t compromise on your values. 

This week’s RAM: When you are feeling stressed, take a tactile moment.

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