Questions 20 to 22: What is that a yajna cannot violate? What is best for farmers? What is foremost among that which is sown?

November 5, 2023 Class Notes by Ameya Madduri


  • Many people do have pets and if we consider “what is the animal thinking about?”. It is likely thinking about its body (temperature, hunger..). What is unique about a human? The development of the intellect is unique to being human. An intellect can be developed enough to reflect on questions like “what is the mind?”, “what is the intellect”, “am I the ego?”, etc
  • Dialogue with Dharma is a course in humans being humane. When a human is using their intellect to reflect and inquire, that is what “being humane” is.


  • Question 18 : What is essential in a yajna (dedication) relating to the Yajuh Veda
  • A; Mind is the yajuh of a yajna
    • When one thinks of an altar (ritual with fire or personal altar), we only add what is pure. Our altar is the mind, so only pure things should be invested in the mind (foods, friends, thoughts). When you feel the mind is an altar, you will live by purity in a strong way. 
  • Question 19: Which among them accepts or chooses the yajna?
    • A: Rg alone accepts or chooses the yajna
    • In these verses and when doing puja, the icon/ideal is invited, establish it, and unite with the icon/ideal.
    • Power behind the word “advaita vedanta” is –
    • veda= to know 
    • → Know what?
    • Antha= what is inside of you
    • → What is inside of you? advaita (infinity, oneness) 


Question 20: What is it that yajna cannot violate?

Answer: It is Rg that yajna cannot violate

  • Absolute Perspective
    • Key thought– what cannot be violated/crossed/broken– the law of karma
    • If there is an action, there is a reaction. Hence, if you think positively, you will feel positive. This will not be violated/crossed/ broken. 
    • If there is a law, there must be a governor of the law. Hence, the Lord is described as “abyaksha”. 
    • A strong seeker does not think “why me?” Instead they feel that the governor and the law is rational. There is a reason for everything. 
  • Relative Perspective
    • Rg Veda is a map. The map takes us to the Divine if we follow through. 
    • If you engage in self development, you will experience Self realization. There is a direct connection between development and realization. 
  • Tactile Narrative: Seeker to engage in reflection and personalization. 

Question 21: What is best for farmers?

Answer: Rain is best for farmers

  • Absolute Perspective
    • Divinity has five functions. The fourth function is nigraha (controller). The controller is usually feared, however the controller is anugraha (conserver, one who graces/blesses/protects). 
    • Rain is facilitated by the one who is both nigraha and anugraha– the controller and the conserver. 
  • Relative Perspective
    • We say we are interested in effort but we are truly interested in excellence. 
    • To clarify– are you raising children to be good or smart? (do you really do both?)
    • Our interests and support should be towards the effort that was put forth. For example, a farmer can only do so much and has no influence on the rain. 
    • As individuals, if we support and appreciate effort, the person will feel excellence.. 
    • Do your best and leave the rest!! We must always recognize what factors are in our control and what is out of our control. If we know and internalize this, we will feel more balanced. 
  • Tactile Narrative: Seeker to engage in reflection and personalization. 

Question 22: What is foremost among that which is sown?

Answer: It is seeds that are foremost among that which is sown. 

  • Absolute Perspective
    • If you remember what has been given to you, you feel responsibility to serve the one who gave it to you. 
    • → This perspective nurtures a lifestyle of humility. 
  • Relative Perspective
    • Invest in the long-term
    • Rajas is easy in the beginning but hard in the end → This is the short-term perspective
    • Satva is hard in the beginning but easy in the end → This is the long-term perspective
  • Tactile Narrative: Seeker to engage in reflection and personalization. 
  • Note- The more you reflect, the more you will reflect joy.I

Pareeksha Review

Question 11: What is the human attribute of a Brahmana? DEATH

  • For one who is thinking, speaking, and acting towards Infinity, it is average to contemplate death. Brahmanas should not feel a fear of death. 

Question 12: What attribute of a Brahmana is like that of the ignoble? GOSSIP

  • A Brahmana is supposed to be studying and sharing about Infinity. They should not be studying and sharing about others or their deficiencies. Often these are made-up deficiencies! 

Question 13: What constitutes the divine nature of a Kshatriya? COURAGE

  • The great aspect of a leader is their courageousness. They do the right thing because it is the right thing to do irrespective of anyone else.

Question 14: Which virtue of theirs is like that of the noble one? DEDICATION

  • They are dedicated to the people.

Question 15: What is the human attribute of a Kshatriya? FEAR

  • A Kshatriya is trying to reach fearlessness.

Question 16: What practice of Kshatriyas is like that of the ignoble? SELFISHNESS

  • A leader should be living to help others. The characteristic of a poor leader is someone who is only trying to help/protect themselves at the cost of others.

Question 17: What is the essential sama for a yajna? HEALTHY

  • One has to be healthy to invoke their own potential. 

Question 18: What is the essential yaju for a yajna? MIND

  • As you think, so you develop. 

Question 19: Which among them accepts the yajna? DIRECTION

  • When one is engaged in a yajna/puja, one must be directed within (towards one’s true nature). 

Question 20: What is it that a yajna cannot violate? DEVELOPMENT

  •  If you are engaged in inviting/establishing/uniting, you are going to develop yourself into Divinity. 

Discussion Subject

  • What can you do to be a long term live-er?

Discussion debrief:

  • Vivekji’s Observation: What will Vivek’s legacy be in absolute, relative, and tactile ways?
  • If we think about Swami Chinmayananda, he made the inaccessible accessible. At the relative level, he re-established the Gurukula system. 


Question: Asked for clarification on question 21

Answer: Divinity has five functions. The first function is creation (shrishti). The fourth and fifth functions are controller and conserver, respectively. Creation is being controlled by Divinity so individuals should not be questioning “why is this occurring with regard to rain or other ‘uncontrollable’ phenomenon”. 

If you focus on effort, you will achieve excellence. Trying to pursue the opposite (focus on excellence) will not lead to peace. 

Question: Is yajna internal or external?

Answer: external (rituals, karma kanda) → internal (internal ritual, jnana kanda)→ external (bhakti, karma yoga)

Note: please internalize more! 

Question: What is the bhava we should have for life? 

Answer: When one engages in contemplation, we become more content (we don’t ask for more). This allows us to become inward-looking. 


Last week’s RAW: How would Vivekji rate you as a student? 

  • Vivekji’s Reflection: One must be ananya (single vision towards presence). Everything should be in reference to serving Divinity. 

This week’s RAW: Every time you waste effort and time, quantify with money. (put the money in a jar so that you can see what the waste looks like). 

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