Questions 11, 12, & 13 – What is the human attribute of a brahmana? What attribute of brahmanas is like that of the ignoble? What constitutes the divine nature of ksatriyas?

Oct 12, 2023 Class Notes by Usha Chazhiyat


When one serves, they can find areas that they are weak and can refine that. Example :- One may think they are patient, but once they serve, they will identify areas that they are not patient and can refine those areas to be wholly patient. If one follows serving all the way to the end, one will become serene.


Question 9: What constitutes the divine nature of a brahmana?

The study of nature constitutes the divine nature of a brahmana

  •  The implication of the answer is – If one studies this sacred science and is sharing what they studied, there are more chances that they will apply it in their life.
  • If one follows through with applying the studies in life, one will eventually move from brahmana to Brahman- from one who is inclusive to one who is Infinite.

Question 10: Which virtue of a brahmana is like that of noble ones?

Their austerity is the virtue that is like that of noble ones.

  • Burning one’s own comfort zone as tapa is critical and doing that which you feel is comfortable even if that makes you less efficient is also a form of tapa.
  • This inefficiency also makes one less dependent on an external entity. This kind of inefficiency is also a form of tapa.


Question 11: What is the most human attribute of a brahmana? Death

·        Advaita abhayam – Oneness = Fearlessness

Absolute: If one is studying and following the Veda, they are experiencing oneness (advaita) and fearlessness (abhaya). The body is only a vehicle. Death of the body is nothing more than a change of means.

  • Reflect/ establish your personal tactile message. Write down how you can personalize this.

Question 12: What attribute of the brahmana is that of the ignoble ? Speaking of another in an untruthful way.

  • Slander in them is like that of the ignoble.

Absolute: In our maps, another word for avidya/ignorance is avarana (to not be able to describe or to cover). If one covers, then one is projecting.

E.g:- When the rope is covered, it projects as a snake.

Relative: We have a strong propensity that if we don’t know something we make up something.

  • Final message in Ramayana: The greatest papa is gossip. One of the worst thing one can do is to gossip and slander another.
  • For a brahmana, who is a teacher based on faith, nobility is their highest dignity. This is what is important to them. If the faith is compromised, the relationship is compromised.

Reflect/ establish your personal tactile message. Write down how you can personalize this.

Starting the next question we will be Shifting from Brahmanas (thinkers) to Kshatriyas (Leaders)

Question 13 : What constitutes the divine nature of a kshatriya? Arrows constitute the divine nature of Kshatriyas.

Absolute: Kshathath = Fear Thraayathe = To transcend

  • A real leader is one who should be courageous and fearless.
  • The deepest dana or charity you can offer is abhaya dana. The greatest dana one can give others is to make them feel fearless.

Relative : Raja Prithu has shared we have 3 responsibilities. Two of which are: 

1)      Follow Dharma – that is to follow responsibilities.

2)      Facilitate Dharma. – help others be responsible.

  •  This is what is meant by Kshatriya’s arrows in which kshatriyas create a context where others can follow their responsibilities too and in turn become fearless.

Discussion Subject :- What holds you back from facing your day?

Example :- Tomorrow when you wake up, what holds you back? What do you have to fight to move forward?

Vivekji’s Reflection : Dialogue with Dharma is a course that helps one to reflect. Vivekji quoted the example of Sharada Devi who accepted everything and experienced the job. Similarly one should use this opportunity to reflect on how to apply the answers to one’s own life.


Question 1:- What should one’s practice be in writing?

  •  Get yourself a nice journal. Right side of the journal write Input prayer in the morning, Left side of the journal write Output prayer in the night.

o   Input prayer – Likhitha japa. Input quietude before you go to the noise.

o   Output prayer – Write down what today meant to you. E.g.: – You got frustrated – write about it, you felt joy – write about it.

Question 2:– How to balance ideal vs reality in a day?

  • When one succumbs, they feel this is who they are, and this is just who they are going to be. E.g.:- My father is mean, I am going to be mean to.
  • When one accepts, they feel this is who I am but I can change.
  • One has to start with this acceptance. E.g.:- Pandavas admitted to their weaknesses and they sought help. Kauravas never accepted their weaknesses and so never asked for help.
  • When making changes to your lifestyle, make small incremental changes and practice those small changes on a daily basis.

Question 3:- How to connect the concept of naimittika pralaya and prakritika pralaya in one’s life?

  • Naimittika pralaya – When creation becomes unmanifest
  • Prakritika pralaya – When creator becomes unmanifest
  •  Atyantika pralaya – Is when ego is destroyed. There is no more creation or creator, there is only consciousness. With consciousness there is no reference to pralaya. One should focus steadily on atyantika pralaya – to destroy ego.

RAW :- Whatever is holding you back from facing your day, take on one of those restraint.

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