Question 1 & 2: What makes the sun rise? Who accompany the sun closely?

September 21, 2023 Class Notes by Ameya Madduri—Class 1


–         Welcome back to year 10 of a longstanding relationship! In previous years, the Thursday satsangs have focused on the following topics:

–             Year–                   Topic
–                   2014 (via UStream)–                   Fear Face It
–                   2015 (via Fuze)–                   Self Unfoldment
–                   2016 (via Zoom)–                   Moha Mudgara
–                   2017–                   Poetry on how to reflect
–                   2018–                   Upadesa Sara
–                   2019–                   Applied Gita
–                   2020–                   Living the Gita
–                   2021–                   100 Steps to Infinity (Moksha Patha)
–                   2022–                   Practices to Perfection (Sadhana Panchakam)

–         Thursday classes have always focused on both insights (Jnana) and application of insights/living the knowledge (Karma)

–         Dharma can be defined as a noun or as a verb.

When defined as a noun, Dharma = responsibility/responsibilities. Example question: We may be acting out but do we know the why? What is the intention behind our actions?

When defined as a verb, Dharma= integrating/ that which integrates.

Remember: Our responsibilities as a _____________ (fill in blank—student, parent, friend, sibling.. etc), are well integrated when we are responsible.

–         This year, we will be using the Mahabharata as a map.

–         Maha Bharatha- History of the family of Bharatha

–         Most popular part of the Mahabharata is the Bhagavad Gita. It is also called the Krishna Gita.

–         Our focus this year is called the “Yudhishthira Gita”. The name Yudhishthira is formed from the terms “Yudhi” and “Shira” where the former means “in conflict/battle” and the latter is defined as “balanced”.

–         More specifically, we will be focusing on the Yaksha Prashna which is 124 questions+answers. We will aim to study 3-4 questions+answers each Thursday.


Question 1- What makes the sun rise?

Answer 1- It is Brahma which makes the sun rise.

–         Absolute understanding: If there is no sun, we would know nothing. Hence, if there is creation (sun), there must be a creator (Brahma).

–         Relative understanding: Brahma is the original teacher. He contains the Vedas (scriptural map) in his hands. Therefore, if you follow the map, you will rise.

–         Tactile understanding: Reflect and create your personal practice 

Question 2- Who accompany the sun closely?

Answer 2- The Devas accompanied the sun closely.

–         Absolute understanding: Along with the creator (Brahma) also comes the governors (Devas+Devis) of creation.

–          Relative understanding: Our senses (Devas) need the map to follow the mind which in turn follows the intellect.

–         Tactile understanding: Reflect and create your personal practice

Discussion Subject

–         What makes you commit?

–         Vivekji’s Reflection: Utility makes you commit to something.

–         When you feel the utility of a relation/field, you commit to it. If you do not feel utility, you feel reasons to not commit.


Q1: What is a tactile understanding of question 2 (who all accompanied the sun closely?)?

A1: Personal level—a map can make our lives lighter and brighter. The Yaksha Prashna is a map.

The Devas (our senses) make the world brighter for us. If the senses don’t have a purpose, the senses are controlling YOU. If the senses are controlling you, you will devolve (not find balance, no understanding, no happiness) and not find happiness. Instead direct senses to the mind (mind à directs towards intellect à engaged in following the map).

Tactile perspective: Give senses parameters and set boundaries to maintain discipline.

Q2: How should we internalize life events to connect to greater purpose and realizing it happens for a reason?

Vivekji Restating Q2: How should we learn from an experience, especially a negative experience, without being emotional?

A2: Every experience moves on. If we factually recognize this, it is easier to be less emotional about the experience.

On learning: If there is a creation, there is a creator. The creator is intelligent and comes with governors. As that is the case, the creator is creating a way to teach you to be happiness. Everything is teaching you to be happy and to be happiness. If we acknowledge that the Creator is Infinite, we will understand that the Creator can also manipulate creation for everyone involved.

Q3: Does thinking about your family’s death cause anxiety?

A3: When you love someone, that is attachment. When you love everyone, that is detachment. Attachment causes anxiety while detachment causes you to feel carefree.

RAW–         What makes the sun set?

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